In keeping with Bishop William H. Bullock’s goal to evaluate efficient use of buildings, programs, and agencies, the Diocese of Madison hired Meitler Consultants, Inc., a Milwaukee firm, to study all diocesan offices and Holy Name Seminary in Madison.
Tag: holy
Easter brings meaning to our lives forever
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Victor Frankl, a world-famous Austrian psychiatrist, who survived a Nazi concentration camp noticed that those who survived the camp tended to have something or someone to live for!
Hence the expression, “A person with a why can live with any how!”
Christ was born to bring hope to us, to make life more meaningful in this world, and then offer us the hope of Eternity.
New Holy Name Seminary completed by 1965
Eleventh in a series on the 75th anniversary of the Diocese of Madison
Holy Name Seminary in Madison was completed by 1965. The $4 million structure was dedicated on June 10, 1965.
In its second full year in Madison, the student body included four years of high school and two years of college. The seminarians found a modern building with a special concept in learning.
Unit system
The building was planned on a unit system, a concept whereby the student body is broken up into small groups, each under the direct supervision of a priest or unit moderator who lives at the end of his unit’s corridor.
How will Holy Week be different this year?
The holiest week of the year — the days from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday — are quickly approaching.
Last year our churches were closed. These liturgies were celebrated with a priest and a handful of ministers.
This year congregations will be present, but certain parts of the Holy Week liturgies may look differently because of the pandemic.
Seminarians study in Milwaukee while Holy Name Seminary is being built
Tenth in a series on the 75th anniversary of the Diocese of Madison
While Holy Name Seminary was being built, 80 young men from 40 different parishes were accepted for the freshman year of the new Diocese of Madison minor seminary.
They actually studied in Milwaukee at a temporary location at the former De Sales Preparatory Seminary. Classes began on September 5, 1963.
A look back: Bishop O’Connor announces plans to build a seminary during golden jubilee as a priest
Ninth in a series on the 75th anniversary of the Diocese of Madison
In 1949, the Pallottine Fathers opened Queen of Apostles Seminary on Madison’s east side. They made it available to diocesan seminarians.
The growth of the Diocese of Madison was reflected in an increase in vocations.
By 1962, Queen of Apostles Seminary was filled to capacity, and neighboring seminaries were overcrowded.
Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion workshops
There are some upcoming opportunities to learn how to become an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion (EMHC).
Pentecost and the fires in our cities
It is in a way providential that the Feast of Pentecost arrives this year just as our country is going through a convulsive social crisis.
Holy Week Masses celebrated online
In the Diocese of Madison, the Chrism Mass is typically celebrated on the Tuesday before Easter.
Sinsinawa Sisters to livestream Holy Week services
The Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa invite the public to worship with them virtually as they pray and celebrate the Paschal Feast by livestreaming the following services:
• Palm Sunday, April 5, 11 a.m.
• Holy Thursday, April 9, 6:15 p.m.
• Good Friday, April 10, 2 p.m.
• Easter Vigil, April 11, 7 p.m.