In the closing days of the 2011-12 legislative session, the Wisconsin Assembly gave final approval to two bills that ensure access to health care without increasing support for abortion.
Tag: Health Care reform
Health care reform
There is no question that our country is in need of health care reform. The bishops of the United States stand together and for years have been clear in encouraging the passage of a truly universal health policy — one which maintains a respect for human life and dignity, which provides access for all with a special concern for the poor and inclusion of immigrants, and one which pursues the common good and preserves pluralism, including freedom of conscience and variety of options.
‘Neutral’ not good enough
To the editor:
I read with interest the bishops’ statement in the Catholic Herald on health care reform and also Kim Wadas’ “Amendment preserves long standing protection.”
What protection? The last time I read the Bible the Fifth Commandment was “You shall not kill.” So how could “the Catholic bishops pledge continued efforts to keep abortion neutral”?
Let your legislators know how you feel about health care reform measures
To the editor:
The debate on health care reform has been raging for months with the Democratic congressional leadership and various committees frantically trying to come up with a bill that will actually pass in Congress. But through it all, two things have not changed:
Speaking, hearing truth in health care reform
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Dear Friends,
Two weeks ago I was very fortunate to be back on campus at the University of Notre Dame. Once and a while I take advantage of returning to that campus, where I spent a few years teaching philosophy and serving on the staff at Moreau Seminary (I always recall so very fondly the 11 years I spent on the college campuses, at Notre Dame and elsewhere.)
The following are the words I chose for the occasion, in celebrating the 10 a.m. Liturgy at the Sacred Heart Basilica on campus:
Prayer and action urged on health care reform
MADISON — A group of concerned citizens in the Diocese of Madison is urging prayer and action to assure that national health care reform legislation respects the dignity of human life from conception to natural death.
“For the sake of babies, the chronically ill, the developmentally disabled, the frail elderly, and the American people if life-ending measures are included in governmental policies, we are urging people to pray for the Precious Blood of Jesus to pour over our nation and this effort,” said Deacon Jack Fernan of Madison, one of the organizers of the effort.
Tener en cuenta la dignidad humana en la reforma sanitaria
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Queridos amigos,
Gracias a Dios y gracias a ustedes, mis hermanos sacerdotes, diáconos, a nuestras hermanas religiosas y a toda nuestra familia diocesana por su apoyo y oraciones durante estos días. Mi periodo de descanso por la arritmia cardiaca casi llega a su término. Espero con ansias ordenar a nuestros tres nuevos sacerdotes de la Sociedad de Jesucristo Sacerdote, para nuestra diócesis, este viernes. Con las ordenaciones, este día será de gran alegría para mí y, Dios mediante, le hará bien a mi corazón. Sin embargo, debo decir, estoy especialmente contento por estar de vuelta con esta ocasional forma de comunicación.