The Bishop O’Connor Catholic Pastoral Center, Madison, formerly Holy Name Seminary, will include a housing community while the diocesan offices will remain in the building. (Catholic Herald file photo) |
MADISON — Bishop Robert C. Morlino announced “news of great joy” at a diocesan staff meeting on June 6: the Diocese of Madison would have its diocesan offices stay at the Bishop O’Connor Catholic Pastoral Center (BOC) along with a housing community being developed there.
Bishop Morlino expressed his gratitude to Gorman & Company for their “very, very hard work” in putting together a plan for the BOC. “I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am,” said Bishop Morlino.
Msgr. Mike Burke, pastor of St. Maria Goretti Parish in Madison and a member of the Diocesan Finance Council, said about the decision, “Wow! This is wonderful news. I think the reaction to this plan will be overwhelmingly positive.”
‘Sacred space’
Monsignor Burke lived at Holy Name Seminary, the former BOC, for 19 years. He served as the seminary rector for 13 years. He considers the building “sacred space,” pointing out that the chapel is the central point of the building. “People were hoping and praying that the chapel could be saved,” he said.
“I couldn’t be more happy for the seminary alumni, parents, faculty, benefactors, and many priests who served here that we are able to keep the building, chapel, and grounds intact. There are so many people who identify with this building, Catholics and non-Catholics,” he said.
The spire of the center dominates the west side of Madison, and the regular ringing of the bells can be heard from miles away.
Monsignor Burke said he “can’t thank Gary Gorman enough” for everything he did to save the building. “It’s a great day for our diocese” as we approach the feast of Pentecost on June 8, he said.