The remarkable life of a man who was central to the establishment of the Catholic Church in the tri-state area (Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois) provides a witness and example for each of us to imitate.
Tag: Fr. Samuel Mazzuchelli
Bishop Hying keeps busy visiting parishes, schools, and sites throughout the diocese
Thirty-eighth in a series on the 75th anniversary of the Diocese of Madison.
Bishop Donald J. Hying started out his time as shepherd of the Diocese of Madison energetically with visits to parishes, diocesan schools, …
Health care workers deserve our gratitude
On March 16, I was taken unconscious to University Hospital in Madison, suffering from heart, kidney, and lung failure.
I still don’t remember my first two days in the hospital. When I regained consciousness, I was shocked to find myself in the ICU with tubes connecting me with life-support systems.
Father Mazzuchelli inspires us today
This month, I will be offering a special Mass at St. Patrick Parish in Benton followed by a blessing of the newly-renovated rectory which will serve as a museum to Venerable Samuel Mazzuchelli, who is buried in the parish cemetery.
Mass commemorates death of Venerable Samuel Mazzuchelli, OP
The annual Mass to commemorate the death of Venerable Samuel Mazzuchelli, OP, will be held at St. Patrick Church, Benton, at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 24.
Mass commemorates death of priest
The annual Mass to commemorate the death of Venerable Samuel Mazzuchelli, OP, will be held at St. Patrick Church, Benton, at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 26. Mazzuchelli Assembly 4th Degree Knights of Columbus invite everyone to attend and join them for a social in the parish hall afterward.
Parishes come together to celebrate the life of Venerable Father Mazzuchelli
The priesthood of Venerable Fr. Samuel Mazzuchelli lasted just more than 30 years, from his ordination in 1830 until his death on February 23, 1864.
Fr. Samuel Mazzuchelli: an inspiration in the Year of Faith
Carlo Gaetano Samuele Mazzuchelli was born on November 4, 1806 in Milan, Italy. He died in 1864 as pastor of St. Patrick’s, Benton. Years later, as pastor of St. Patrick’s, I walked the parish grounds, presided at Mass, and visited his rectory and grave. My knowledge and admiration of him deepened. He certainly is an inspiration in this Year of Faith.
Respect for Mary’s name
To the editor:
Your editorial about Mary reinforces my respect for Mary’s name. As a boy I thought that Mary was the most beautiful name a girl could receive. My admiration was magnified by our family’s love of Aunt Mary, who reflected Mary’s inner and outer beauty. She was kind, caring, and spoke with music in her voice. Her husband was Joseph.
The Venerable Fr. Samuel Mazzuchelli once experienced a vision of Mary. He told Father Kinsella, his confessor-friend, that he never saw anyone as beautiful as Mary. Virtue is beautiful and Mary is queen of virtue. Because she was full of grace and open to God’s will, God chose her to be Jesus’ mother.
Father Mazzuchelli had deep impact on our state
To the editor:
My first pastorate was St. Patrick Parish, Benton. The Venerable Father Samuel Mazzuchelli, a Dominican priest, served there as pastor from 1849 to 1864.