We all know that reconciliation and forgiveness lie at the heart of the Gospel. Jesus came to seek out and save what was lost, namely broken humanity, and to reconcile us to the Father and to one another.
Tag: forgiveness
Resentment hurts us and others
My computer seems to have a sense of humor. As I worked on an article on resentment, it asked, “Do you wish to delete resentment?”
What it means to forgive
As Jesus was teaching us how to pray, He was also teaching us to “forgive those who trespass against us.”
Love your doubters as your enemies
At my current age of somewhere between 30 and 40, I can argue that I’ve “done a lot” in my life.
Be a saint and challenge evil
All of us bear wounds inflicted by others: Painful conflicts, harsh judgments, hurtful comments, rejections of proffered love and friendship, lack of gratitude and support, embarrassing humiliations, experiences of being ignored or overlooked.
Love an enemy this Lent
The three classical spiritual practices that the Church urges us to embrace during Lent are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
Focusing on forgiveness this Lent
“Say ‘I’m sorry,’” I remember telling my children when they were toddlers squabbling over toys.
“I’m sorry,” parroted the perpetrator, who sometimes had to repeat it a few times before exhibiting the requisite tone of remorse.
“Now say ‘I forgive you,’” I would tell the victim, who also parroted the phrase without completely understanding its meaning.
For years we have done this in our household, trying to explain to the children the importance of forgiveness. And yet, I myself was an adult before I understood its full meaning.
St. Dennis Parish welcomes Dr. Robert Enright for Lenten mission
MADISON — On Sunday, March 4, St. Dennis Parish will welcome Dr. Robert Enright, founder of the International Forgiveness Institute, as he returns to the parish for an evening focused on “The Church as a Forgiving Community.”
Last fall, Dr. Enright introduced St. Dennis Parish and guests to “forgiveness therapy” and spoke about the power of forgiveness to heal individual wounds and restore a wounded world. His presentation defined forgiveness, offered insight on reasons to forgive, shared steps in the process of forgiveness, and connected therapeutic forgiveness to Catholic understanding of what it is to forgive.
Christ’s Easter gift to us: Sacrament of Reconciliation
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Pope Francis encourages us Catholics to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Lent, the season of conversion.
Beginning with St. Peter, popes and bishops have taught that in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Christ forgives our sins and helps us to grow spiritually as Peter did.
On Good Friday, Peter, who bragged that he would never deny Christ, denied him three times.
Lent: A journey from ashes to Easter
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On Ash Wednesday, Feb. 14 this year, we begin the season of Lent. The word Lent comes from an old English word meaning Spring time which is a season of new growth.
Lent is a season of the Church when we open ourselves to new spiritual growth so that at Easter, we can renew our baptismal promises with renewed committed faith and Christ-like joy and love.