To the editor:
I read in Kathleen Parker’s column recently that Michelle Obama, our new First Lady, said: “Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed . . .”
To the editor:
I read in Kathleen Parker’s column recently that Michelle Obama, our new First Lady, said: “Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed . . .”
To the editor:
I commend the organizations sponsoring the “Boycott Hospitals that Allow Abortions” ad in the Wisconsin State Journal. Although I believe limitations exist in a person’s ability to change the provider of their health insurance, the ad brings clear attention to the issue of the unlimited availability of abortions regardless of where the mother is in her pregnancy.
To the editor:
I am writing in regards to this Freedom of Choice Act. I think it’s rather confusing. It seems that this man and woman who are seeking an abortion have already spent their choice of freedom. Now does the act get extended to their little being that she is carrying?
To the editor:
Sincere thanks for your part in distributing vital FOCA information to your readers. I am concerned, however, that this information is too late. Shouldn’t this issue have been given a clear voice prior to recent weeks?
Dear Friends,
By the time you are able to read this column, I will have begun my vacation in warmer climes. Bishop Bullock has taught me well how advisable it is to take vacation at this time of year, and, along with so many other good things, I am grateful to him for this particular important bit of wisdom. I beg your prayers that I will have health and safety during this time of vacation and, most importantly, grow in faith. This is the very same prayer that rises up from my heart for each one of you, each day.
You will find, below, a letter which I have sent to my brother priests with regard to a national effort which is being made in every diocese in the United States, spearheaded by Cardinal Rigali of Philadelphia, chair of the Pro-Life Committee of our national bishops’ conference.
6 January 2009
Dear Brother Priests,
I pray that this letter finds you well and enjoying a blessed Christmas Season. During this time of year, when we celebrate the light of Christ coming into the world, it is necessary to consider an area of darkness in our country — the continued practice of aborting our unborn brothers and sisters.
To the editor:
Grateful thanks to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops who, at their recent meeting, recognized the dangers of the so-called Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) and spoke passionately in opposition. Stopping FOCA is of the utmost priority and necessity. Why? Because FOCA places women and unborn babies in peril, silences your voices, and ignores your values.
To the editor:
I read the article by Bishop Jerome E. Listecki in the November 6, 2008, edition of the Catholic Herald. In particular his comments on the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) were a call to action. Please review his article to grasp the nefarious nature of this act.