The cross and steeple of St. John the Baptist Church in Jefferson have been removed following a fire that happened earlier in the week.
Tag: fire
Damage being assessed after fire at Holy Redeemer Church
Crews from the Madison Fire Department were called to the church, located on W. Johnson St. in downtown Madison, just before 11:30 a.m. when multiple callers to 911 reported fire in the steeple.
Pentecost and the fires in our cities
It is in a way providential that the Feast of Pentecost arrives this year just as our country is going through a convulsive social crisis.
Madison artist is transforming former cathedral steeple into works of art
MADISON — What can an artist make out of 20 tons of material salvaged from a former church steeple?
That’s what Madison artist Jeremiah Logemann is asking. He obtained the steeple that used to grace the top of St. Raphael Cathedral in downtown Madison.
Our Lady Queen of Peace students raise money for Australia in online art auction
MADISON — Third to eighth graders at Our Lady Queen of Peace School have been busy creating art in hopes of raising money to help the Australian community recover from the devastating bushfires.
For the past few months students have been painting, drawing, sketching, coloring, and creating art pieces that they will auction off in an online auction. Each class chose their favorite pieces to give to the auction.
The maintenance of harmony in the Church
Some years ago, my friend Msgr. Francis Mannion wrote an article concerning the three essential features of the Eucharistic liturgy — namely, the priest, the rite, and the people.
When these elements are in proper balance, rightly ordered liturgy obtains.
Further, from these categories, he argued, we can discern the three typical distortions of the liturgy: clericalism (too much of the priest), ritualism (a fussy hyper-focus on the rite), and congregationalism (a disproportionate emphasis on the people).
A prayer at the tomb of St. Paul
I write these words on the airplane taking me home from my first visit as a bishop ad limina apostolorum (to the threshold of the apostles).
This is the pilgrimage, required by canon law of every bishop, to pray at the tombs of St. Peter and St. Paul and to meet personally with the successor of Peter.
In an earlier column, I wrote of the extraordinary visit to the tomb of Peter and an even more extraordinary conversation with the Galilean fisherman’s successor, Pope Francis.
Spending time with my spiritual father
I write these words from the Eternal City of Rome, whither I’ve come with my brother bishops from Region 11 (California, Nevada, and Hawaii) for our ad limina visit.
This is a regular and canonically required trip to pray at the limina apostolorum (the threshold of the Apostles), the tombs of Ss. Peter and Paul, and to meet with the successor of Peter.
Yesterday was the first official day of the pilgrimage, and it was extraordinary indeed.
Film should be called The One Pope
The new and much-ballyhooed Netflix film The Two Popes should, by rights, be called The One Pope, for it presents a fairly nuanced, textured, and sympathetic portrait of Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Pope Francis) and a complete caricature of Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI).
This imbalance fatally undermines the movie, whose purpose, it seems, is to show that old grumpy, legalistic Benedict finds his spiritual bearings through the ministrations of friendly, forward-looking Francis.
But such a thematic trajectory ultimately does violence to both figures, and turns what could have been a supremely interesting character study into a predictable and tedious apologia for the filmmaker’s preferred version of Catholicism.
A talk on the Hill: When were you called?
This article is the first in a two-part series.
A couple of weeks ago, I had the distinct privilege of addressing an audience of senators, representatives, and Capitol Hill staffers in a beautiful room at the Library of Congress.
This event was made possible by two Congressmen, Rep. Tom Suozzi of New York, a Democrat, and Rep. John Moolenaar of Michigan, a Republican. Both had seen videos of the speeches I had given at Facebook and Google Headquarters and wanted something similar for those who work in government.