This past Saturday, we concluded the third and final piece of our Go Make Disciples Live, the diocesan collaboration with The Evangelical Catholic to provide some practical formation for the lay faithful of our parishes to engage and evangelize others with greater competence and confidence.
Tag: events
Sinsinawa Mound closed to visitors
Sinsinawa Mound is closed to the public and all programs, events, concerts, prayer services, meetings, tours, and retreats have been canceled effective immediately through at least April 15.
News in Brief in the Diocese of Madison
Lenten Mission
MADISON — Bishop Donald J. Hying will lead a Lenten Mission at St. Dennis Parish, 505 Dempsey Rd., on Sunday and Monday, March 1 and 2, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. The mission will include prayer, reflection, music, and fellowship. Childcare will be provided for children over age two.
Parish Mission
MADISON — A Parish Mission will be held at St. Peter Parish, 5001 N. Sherman Ave., on “The Importance of the Liturgical Reforms of the Second Vatican Council” with Abbot Marcel Rooney, OSB. An introduction to the mission and a Mass will be held on Sunday, March 1, at 10 a.m. The mission will continue Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, March 4, 5, and 6, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Christmas news in brief
Apostolate Christmas Mass airs December 25
MADISON — The hour-long Apostolate for Persons with Disabilities-Diocese of Madison Christmas Day Mass will air on December 25 at 6 a.m. on WISC Channel 3 and at 7 a.m. on TVW and Direct TV 14. Msgr. Larry Bakke, director of the Apostolate, will preside; Deacon Jim Hoegemeier, associate director, is the homilist; and the Madison Diocesan Choir will provide music.
Theater Bus May events
MADISON — The Theater Bus for persons 55 and over will be traveling to the following events in May:
• Sunday, May 7: The Rhode Center for the Arts presents The Big Five-Oh!, a hilarious, sometimes touching account of a grown man coming to terms with his age, his relationship with his son, and his future. Lunch is at the Kenosha Country Club. Cost is $73.
Ladies of Divine Mercy events begin September 16
PINE BLUFF — The 2016-17 Ladies of Divine Mercy events will kick off on Friday, Sept. 16, with an evening of reflection led by Fr. Richard Heilman, founder of the Knights of Divine Mercy and Ladies of Divine Mercy.
The evening will begin at 6:30 p.m. at St. Mary of Pine Bluff Church, 3673 CR P, Cross Plains, with sung vespers. Father Heilman will speak at 6:45 p.m., followed by Exposition and Adoration. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Benediction will close the evening, followed by a social in the narthex. Confession will be available the entire evening.
Priests for Our Future: The Church is Alive! kicks off final phase
More than 500 pastors and lay leadership came together in the past two weeks to celebrate the start of the last phase of the Priests for Our Future: The Church Is Alive! campaign.
Six events were held in parishes spanning the geographic area of the Diocese of Madison to welcome and inform volunteers who will pioneer the final efforts of the campaign.
Life Teen events in diocese
JEFFERSON/OREGON — Several Life Teen ministry events are coming to parishes in the Diocese of Madison.
A Life Teen local training will be held at Holy Mother of Consolation, 651 N. Main St., Oregon, on Saturday, Nov. 9, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The training is for youth ministers to learn best practices in youth ministry, based on the Life Teen ministry model. The goal is to help parishes lead teens closer to Christ. The cost of the training is $30 per person, and includes breakfast and lunch. Registration is required. To register, or for more information, contact Tiffany Topel at or call 920-674-5433.
St. Ann Parish to hold Holiday Gift Fair
STOUGHTON — St. Ann Parish will hold a Holiday Gift Fair at St. Ann School, 324 N. Harrison St., on Saturday, Nov. 9, from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 10, from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Proceeds will help defray expenses for parish youth events.
Over 30 vendors will be present at the Gift Fair, including local artists with African straw baskets, honey and related products, dream catchers, wine bottle decorations, evergreen wreaths and ropes, rolled paper art, wooden Christian trivets, birdhouse gourds, jewelry, quilted/knit/crochet and sewn items, jar mixes and gift baskets, homemade pet treats and dog collars, and more.
Fortnight for Freedom events in Diocese of Madison
MADISON — As promised in last week’s Catholic Herald, here is a more complete timeline for the upcoming “Fortnight for Freedom” being observed throughout our nation from June 21 to July 4. This will serve as a time of prayer, education, and action in support of, and witness to, religious freedom.