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Tag: editor
Response to letter to the editor about socialism
Letter to the Editor
I am responding to the article in the February 25 issue “Socialism and private property”.
I believe this is incorrect and misleading information.
What is described in the article is actually Communism.
I know people who live in socialistic countries. They do own their own property.
Response to letter to the editor about socialism
Letter to the Editor
I am responding to the article in the February 25 issue “Socialism and private property”.
I believe this is incorrect and misleading information.
What is described in the article is actually Communism.
I know people who live in socialistic countries. They do own their own property.
Letter to the editor 3-11-2021
Is your cup half empty or half full?
It has often been said that we, as a people, fall into two categories: Pessimists or optimists. Some of us look upon our world and what is happening to it as pessimists and some take an optimistic view of things as they exist.
If you are of the former, you may see things about you as being like a cup that is half empty; if you are of the latter, you see things like a cup that is half full.
A pessimist is likely to see the world as going to hell in a handcart.
Letter to the editor 2-4-2021
A Godless Nation
“If you don’t behave as you believe, you will end by believing as you behave.” — Venerable Fulton J. Sheen
In my humble mind of seeing how the citizens of the United States are on “the slippery slope” of not believing in God and thus they believe in “nothing”.
The fatal decision by the United States Supreme Court on June 25, 1962, which declared school-sponsored prayers unconstitutional in the landmark case of Engel v. Vitale.
Letter to the editor 1-14-2021
Thoughts on religious freedom and inalienable rights
We have survived 2020 and made it into 2021. What a year this has been!
Who would have thought that COVID-19 would alter our lives here, in our country, and throughout the world.
Letter to the Editor (12-10-2020)
Promoting unity in the Church
Dear Mr. Wondrash, I write to urge you to do what you can as editor of the Catholic Herald to promote unity in the Catholic Church in our diocese.
In recent weeks, when reading the editorial page of the Catholic Herald, I feel accusations coming through the letters people have submitted.
I give Catholics who voted for Trump or for Biden the benefit of the doubt that they did not vote for abortion rights and that they felt they had (grave) reasons consistent with their faith to vote for the presidential candidate they did.
Letters to the Editor (11-26-2020)
Colorado votes in favor of late-term abortion
One of the most heartbreaking results that has come out of this most recent election comes to us out of Colorado. Some faithful pro-life groups were able to put the question of banning late-term (after 22 weeks in utero) abortion on the ballot, and a majority of voters in Colorado voted in favor of late-term abortion. Let that sink in for a minute.
Do you know what late-term abortion entails? It entails the abortionist injecting the baby’s heart (through the mother’s abdomen) with a chemical that will cause cardiac arrest in the baby. Then, the mother is sent away until her baby is dead. Next, labor is induced. This labor can last for more than one day. The mother will give birth to an intentionally dead baby. There are 100,000 late-term abortions in the United States every year. Let that sink in for another minute. Father, forgive them, they know not what they do!
Letter to the editor (11-19-2020)
Understanding the meaning of ‘pre-eminent’
Editor Kevin Wondrash commented in last week’s editorial, that he received a plethora of letters to the editor from those who do not agree with the use of the word pre-eminent in regards to abortion.
Hopefully the logic in following quote from St. John Paul II can help them understand why abortion is the pre-eminent Catholic concern:
“Above all, the common outcry, which is justly made on behalf of human rights — for example, the right to health, to home, to work, to family, to culture — is false and illusory if the right to life, the most basic and fundamental right and the condition for all other personal rights, is not defended with maximum determination.”
Letter to the editor (11-5-2020)
Asking the saints to help us
While praying Sunday for the 60,000 Americans who got ill from COVID-19 and the 339 who died I came to a realization.
We live in a time of many saints.
Some 1,320 U.S. health care workers have died while helping COVID patients deal with the disease, according to Kaiser Health News.