Divine Mercy Sunday will be celebrated on Sunday, April 16, at St. Aloysius Church (part of Divine Mercy Parish) 115 Madison St., Sauk City.
Tag: Divine Mercy Parish
Lenten talk and supper event in Sauk City
Join in a soup supper and Lenten inspirational talk with Divine Mercy Parish at St. Aloysius Church, 115 Madison St., Sauk City on Saturday, April 1.
Parishioners take action to tell legislators they are pro-life
SAUK CITY — Parishioners, including students of all ages, from Divine Mercy Parish in Sauk City have started a project of writing letters to state and federal law makers to let government officials know they believe abortion is wrong.
Julie Keith, Divine Mercy’s pro-life coordinator, headed up the project last fall and began asking for letters to be written in time for the landmark Roe v. Wade 44th anniversary in January.
Taste of Divine Mercy to support Adoration Chapel
SAUK CITY — The Mary, Mother of God women’s group from Divine Mercy Parish will be hosting the Taste of Divine Mercy: An Adoration Chapel Celebration on Saturday, April 29, after the 4:30 p.m. Mass in the St. Aloysius School gym in Sauk City.
Guests can bid on their favorite dishes to determine the winner in each category of food. There will also be a silent auction. Proceeds from the celebration will support the upkeep and renovation of the Adoration Chapel.
Sauk City area observes 40 Days for Life
St. Aloysius Church and School at Divine Mercy Parish are joining pro-life efforts in Madison and around the world this fall.
Spend time in Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Adoration has been growing in the Diocese of Madison with parishes having everything from a few hours of Adoration a week to perpetual Adoration at two sites — and a third close to providing Adoration every day.
The January 8 issue of the Catholic Herald features a story and photos from the blessing of the new Adoration chapel at Divine Mercy Parish (St. Aloysius Church) in Sauk City on January 1. The new chapel — the Mary, Mother of God Adoration Chapel — was appropriately dedicated by Bishop Robert C. Morlino on the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God.
Priest Appointments (April 1, 2012)
Rev. Msgr. James Bartylla, Vicar General, announces the following from Most Reverend Robert C. Morlino, Bishop of Madison, effective as indicated below:
Additional day of Adoration offered in Sauk City
Adoration of Our Lord is experiencing bountiful growth at Divine Mercy Parish in Sauk City.
Less than a month after proposing the idea of adding an additional day of Eucharistic Adoration, parishioners responded with enthusiasm …
Preparation for Divine Mercy Sunday
Divine Mercy Parish (St. Aloysius Church, Sauk City) and St. Mary Parish in Merrimac will begin a 40 day preparation for Divine Mercy Sunday on Wednesday, March 23.
Appointments (Oct. 28, 2010 edition)
Rev. Msgr. James Bartylla, Vicar General, announces the following appointments made by Most Reverend Robert C. Morlino, Bishop of Madison: