Seeing that the prescripts of canons 1251 and 1253 of the Code of Canon Law, in keeping with the immemorial practice of the Church, require the faithful who have completed their fourteenth year to abstain from eating meat on every Friday of the year in the manner determined more precisely by the conference of bishops;
Tag: dispensation
Catholics invited back to weekly Sunday Mass; safety protocols remain in place
Statement from the Diocese of Madison:
MADISON — As has been circulated in recent days, the five Wisconsin bishops jointly decided to lift the suspension of the Sunday Mass obligation in their respective dioceses this month. For the Diocese of Madison, this suspension will be lifted beginning on Sunday, September 27th.
As Bishop Hying wrote to the priests of the diocese, “We have been living with the obligation suspended for almost six months and we rightly chose to be cautious, concerned for the safety and health of our people, especially at the beginning of the pandemic.”
Since late May, diocesan guidelines, observing all state and local orders for safe reopening of our 134 churches have been in place throughout the 11-county Diocese of Madison. These measures have proven effective. Our churches were reopened for public worship with limited capacity, distancing, and great caution for the public health, without any known spread of COVID-19.
Wisconsin bishops to announce end of dispensation from Sunday Mass
In March, as communities responded to the growing coronavirus outbreak, the bishops of Wisconsin’s five Roman Catholic dioceses each granted a dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass. As the outbreak grew into a pandemic, all dioceses suspended the public celebration of Mass until it was safe to resume in-person worship.
In recent months, dioceses and parishes throughout the state have been able to resume public worship by adhering to strict safety standards and by restricting access to services for those who are symptomatic, sick, or at risk of serious illness. Throughout this time, the faithful have not been required to attend Mass on Sundays.
Climate change threatens U.S. national security
To the editor:
Representatives from the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the National Security Agency participate in preparing an annual report entitled Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community.