VERONA — To […]
Tag: crusade
Public Square Rosary Rally to be held in Princeton
PRINCETON — To honor traditional marriage and the family, a Public Square Rosary Crusade, organized by America Needs Fatima, will take place across America on Saturday, March 23, at 12 noon, local time.
Locally, the Council of Catholic Women of Our Lady of the Lake Parish in Green Lake, together with St. John the Baptist Parish in Princeton, will hold a Public Square Rosary Rally on Saturday, March 23, at 12 noon in front of St. John the Baptist Church on Hwy. 73 in Princeton.
Public Square Rosary Rally to be held in Princeton
PRINCETON — To honor traditional marriage and the family, a Public Square Rosary Crusade, organized by America Needs Fatima, will take place across America on Saturday, March 23, at 12 noon, local time.
Locally, the Council of Catholic Women of Our Lady of the Lake Parish in Green Lake, together with St. John the Baptist Parish in Princeton, will hold a Public Square Rosary Rally on Saturday, March 23, at 12 noon in front of St. John the Baptist Church on Hwy. 73 in Princeton.
Rosary Crusade to be held in Fort Atkinson
Rosary crusade in Green Lake
Help preserve the places where Jesus lived
Easter is early this year (Sunday, April 1), so we will soon be starting Holy Week on Palm Sunday, March 25.
At this time, our thoughts and prayers turn to what happened in Jerusalem during Our Lord’s passion, death, and resurrection.
Traditional Marriage Public Square Rosary Crusade in Verona
VERONA — The Holy Rosary will be prayed in front of St. Andrew Catholic Church at 301 N. Main St. on Saturday, March 17, at 12 noon. The banner will read: “God’s Marriage = one man and one woman.”
This Public Square Rosary Rally sponsored by America Needs Fatima will be one of over 3,000 rallies that will take place across the United States that day.
Public Square Rosary Crusade to be held in Green Lake
GREEN LAKE — The 2016 Traditional Marriage Public Square Rosary Crusade will be held on Saturday, March 19, in downtown Green Lake. Prayer will begin at 12 noon at Deacon Mills Park, corner of Mill and South Sts.
In The Secret of the Rosary, St. Louis de Montfort said, “Public prayer is more powerful than private prayer to appease the anger of God and call down His mercy, and Holy Mother Church, guided by the Holy Ghost, has always advocated public prayer in times of public tragedy and suffering.”
Rosary Crusades scheduled
FORT ATKINSON/GREEN LAKE — Area residents are invited to participate in the 2014 Public Square Rosary Crusade to be held in Green Lake and Fort Atkinson.
They are part of over 12,000 rallies to be held on the weekend of Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 11 and 12, throughout the country.