Bingo at the Round Table in Sun Prairie had been set to resume on Monday, Dec. 7. However, in response to the new emergency order in Dane County due to COVID-19, bingo will continue to be postponed until a later date.
Tag: county
Schools in Dane County fully open
MADISON — School parents and administrators, teachers, and staff in Dane County got a victory in their efforts to open Catholic schools to all students.
On September 10, the State Supreme Court issued a temporary injunction halting the Dane County Order requiring all schools, public and private, in the county to open virtually for students in grades three through 12.
This meant Catholic schools in Dane County could hold in-person instruction for all students immediately.
Families take action
The county order, Emergency Order #9, was issued on August 21 just days before many Dane County schools in the Diocese of Madison were scheduled to open for full in-person instruction.
Schools had spent most of the summer making preparations due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Safe openings for students and teachers
FORT ATKINSON — While headlines and social media chatter make many mentions of the Dane County order limiting most public and private education to virtual learning, along with the lawsuits in-progress to attempt to get that order overturned, many schools in the Diocese of Madison have opened their doors for in-person instruction this school year and have done so safely.
Working together
One example is St. Joseph School in Fort Atkinson, in Jefferson County, east of Dane County.
Its first day of school was on August 24.
Since June, the reopening committee met each week to follow the CDC and Jefferson County Health Department recommendations to make sure the school could open safely for students and staff.
Dane County order calls for virtual classes
On Friday, Aug. 21, while some Catholic schools in Dane County were just a few days away from opening their doors to in-person classes for all students, Public Health of Dane County and Madison issued Emergency Order #9.
St. Ambrose Academy to seek legal action after Dane County school order
MADISON — As you likely know, Dane County officials announced late on Friday, Aug. 21, that our Dane County Catholic classrooms could not open for in-person instruction for students in the third grade and above.
This was only 60 hours before many of our schools were slated to open.
As we have since March, the diocese and her schools have not wanted to defy state or county orders.
Accordingly, we have chosen to delay the first day of school for most Dane County Catholic schools until after Labor Day.
Becket Fund assists 40 Dane County Catholic sites to open at 25 percent capacity
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MADISON — For three months now, the Diocese of Madison has followed the best of state and local guidelines with regard to all reasonable protocols concerning COVID-19, its transmission, and how to protect the public, especially those most vulnerable.
At the same time, and never dismissively, the Church has looked to how best to provide for the spiritual, and especially the sacramental, nourishment of the faithful. This has been a particular weight on the heart of Bishop Donald J. Hying since suspending public Masses in mid-March.
After the Wisconsin State Supreme Court reversed state-wide orders and restrictions, the diocese quickly began planning for its own very-measured reopening.
On Thursday, May 21, the Diocese of Madison shared its guidelines for parish reopening at 25 percent occupancy across the 11-county diocese. These guidelines take everything into account from social distancing, personal sanitation, omission of singing, removal of furniture and hymnals, training of ushers, and so much more.
Opportunity to experience living with dementia
JANESVILLE –– The Aging and Disability Resource Center of Rock County and the Rock County Council on Aging will host a unique opportunity for family and community caregivers to briefly experience the challenges and struggles of a person living with dementia.
This free program will be held on Thursday, Feb. 6, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Rock County Job Center, 1900 Center Ave., Janesville.
Pre-registration is required by calling 608-741-3615. This opportunity will be held in conjunction with the quarterly family night of sharing and pizza. You do not need to participate in the Dementia Live to join us for the night.
Caregiver Boot Camp scheduled in Janesville
JANESVILLE — The Aging & Disability Resource Center will host a free Rock County Caregiver Boot Camp on Saturday, Oct. 13, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Job Center, 1900 Center Ave.
Cori Marsh, dementia care specialist at the Aging & Disability Center, and Bonnie Nuttkinson, program and advocacy manager of the South Central Wisconsin Chapter-Alzheimer’s Association, will provide education and support for families coping with memory loss of a loved one.
Food Fair & Farmers’ Market in Reedsburg
REEDSBURG — The joint Justice & Peace Commission of three Sauk County Catholic parishes (Sacred Heart-Reedsburg, Holy Family-LaValle, and St. Boniface-Lime Ridge) is holding its eighth annual Food Fair & Farmers’ Market on Saturday, March 3, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Sacred Heart School Gym in Reedsburg.
The fair is an effort to support local growers, help people purchase locally grown foods, and educate the public about sustainably-grown and locally-produced foods. There will be a gym full of vendors offering pastured meats, vegetables, grains, flours, seeds, preserves, cheese, bakery goods, maple syrup, mushrooms, and honey.
Society to hear talk on restorative justice
MADISON — Ron Johnson, coordinator of the Dane County Community Restorative Court, will be the guest speaker of the St. Thomas More Society meeting on Friday, April 21, at 7:30 a.m., at St. Patrick Church Hall, 404 E. Main St.
The public is welcome. Bring a friend or colleague. There is no charge.
Johnson, originally from Milwaukee, is a former teacher and principal, as well as a father of seven. His career includes working with programs that address gang prevention and intervention, youth violence, youth development, and employment.