VERONA — The St. Christopher Parish Council of Catholic Women (CCW) will host the spring West Dane Vicariate meeting at St. Andrew Church, 301 N. Main St., Verona, on Tuesday, March 23, from 10 to 11:30 a.m.
Tag: council
2021 MDCCW convention to be virtual
WAUNAKEE — Women of the diocese are asked to save the date of Saturday, June 12, 2021, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for an abbreviated virtual convention of the Madison Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (MDCCW).
In announcing the shortened virtual event to replace the annual convention, the planning committee said, “The West Dane Vicariate is looking forward to welcoming you to our 2021 conference this summer. We missed seeing you last June, but promise to make 2021 a conference to remember as we celebrate 100 years (actually 101 by now), safe from COVID-19, and thanking God for who we are and what we do.”
Online event
The online event “is geared to be uplifting and encouraging while celebrating all that women have done in the Madison diocese to make our world a better place,” said Rosa Ropers, president of the West Dane Vicariate CCW (Council of Catholic Women), this year’s host.
Convention postponed until 2021 for women
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MDCCW officers to be elected this year include, from left: Judy Lyons, president-elect, succeeds Bernadette Schaefer as MDCCW president; Katie Crosby continues as treasurer; and Linda Ripp is a candidate for president-elect. This year’s election will take place virtually as will the installation of officers by Msgr. Duane Moellenberndt, MDCCW spiritual advisor, left. (Jane Lepeska Grinde photo) |
MADISON — “Five years ago, at the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW) Convention in Orlando, it became my dream to celebrate the 100th anniversary of NCCW at our diocesan convention in 2020,” said Bernadette Schaefer, Lancaster, who is in her final year as president of the Madison Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (MDCCW).
“Now, instead,” she wrote in the MDCCW newsletter, “I have to announce that our convention and celebration have been cancelled.”
With concerns about the health and safety of its members during this pandemic, the MDCCW board voted by email to cancel the annual convention scheduled for June 13 in Cross Plains. The board will meet virtually May 16 to elect officers and conduct other business which is allowed during times of crisis.
Much accomplished
The June convention was to be the 66th annual convention. During those 66 years, area Catholic women have participated in countless activities at their parish, vicariate, and diocesan levels.
Add 34 years to that for the 100 years of organized activities of the NCCW, and the result is countless charitable projects in this country and internationally, said Schaefer.
Opportunity to experience living with dementia
JANESVILLE –– The Aging and Disability Resource Center of Rock County and the Rock County Council on Aging will host a unique opportunity for family and community caregivers to briefly experience the challenges and struggles of a person living with dementia.
This free program will be held on Thursday, Feb. 6, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Rock County Job Center, 1900 Center Ave., Janesville.
Pre-registration is required by calling 608-741-3615. This opportunity will be held in conjunction with the quarterly family night of sharing and pizza. You do not need to participate in the Dementia Live to join us for the night.
Sr. Marie Janet Meis, OP dies
Sr. Marie Janet Meis, OP, died December 25, 2019, at St. Dominic Villa, Hazel Green, Wis.
Women invited to ‘A Day of Christian Renewal’
MADISON — The Madison Diocesan Council of Catholic Women and Madison Catholic Woman’s Club jointly invite all women of the diocese and their guests to “A Day of Christian Renewal” on Monday, Oct. 15, at St. Maria Goretti Parish Hall, 5313 Flad Ave., Madison.
Leading the retreat will be June Wessa, parish ministry consultant and co-director of the Jesuit Retreat House in Oshkosh. She ties together Mr. Rogers, praying in color, and Women at the Well and explores these connections in her program, “Deep and Simple Faith.”
Office of Worship to host series on Vatican II’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy
MADISON — The Office of Worship of the Diocese of Madison is continuing a series of popular seminars called This Sacred Council: An In-Depth Study of the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy.
All sessions are led by renowned liturgical scholar Abbot Marcel Rooney, OSB. His informative and enjoyable presentations make these sessions appropriate for anyone who participates in the Church’s liturgies.
Scholarship Shower supports St. Vincent de Paul youth program
MADISON — The Madison St. Vincent de Paul Youth Service Council (YSC) has developed a unique scholarship program — one that contributes $1,000 to further education or training for a graduating student eligible to receive free/reduced lunch. It also supports the student’s family via rent credit and grocery store gift cards.
“After participating in a poverty simulation, YSC members realized the importance of supporting the student’s family, too,” explained Gayle Westfahl, advisor of the group.
“Removing the student from the household to focus on school might mean the family does not have the student’s income to help with bills nor their assistance with caring for siblings or older relatives. If a student knows that their continuing study also supports the family a bit, he/she might be more inclined to pursue long-term educational goals.”
West Dane Catholic women to meet October 16
MARTINSVILLE — All are welcome to attend the fall West Dane Vicariate Council of Catholic Women (CCW) conference to be held from 4 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 16, hosted by St Martin of Tours Parish CCW at the church and parish center. The theme is “Soup for the Soul.”
Alice Bannier, co-president of the St. Martin of Tours CCW, said all ages are invited to hear Dr. Taysheedra Noll speak on the Women’s Place and Resource Center in De Forest, a new nonprofit center that offers women services that will allow them to become assets to the community. Its mission is “A place where women can come post crisis and receive spiritual, personal, and professional development with the intention of improving their life situations.”
Sauk Council of Catholic Women invites women to pray, learn, socialize
BARABOO — “Evangelization — Spreading the Good News” is the theme of the Sauk Vicariate Council of Catholic Women (CCW) fall meeting Tuesday morning to early afternoon, Oct. 9, at St. Joseph Church here.
Thomas Fogarty, deacon at Holy Angels Parish (merger of St. Boniface/St. Patrick/Holy Family Parishes), La Valle, will share his story of becoming an ordained deacon. “The road revealed God’s powerful love through many interactions along the way,” said Deacon Fogarty, who will speak at 10 a.m., before the Mass at 11 a.m.