On Friday, Dec. 22, Theresa Klinkhammer will be consecrated to virginity by Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison at St. Maria Goretti Church in Madison.
Tag: consecration
Bishop Hying joins in consecration of Russia and Ukraine
In his homily on the Solemnity of the Annunciation in Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Monona, Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison said “one could possibly posit that there’s never been a precise historical moment in the entire unfolding of Salvation History when more people have been praying at exactly the same time for exactly the same thing. And, that is a fulfillment of the request that Our Lady made at Fatima for the consecration of Russia and for world peace.”
Pope, bishops to consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Pope Francis has asked bishops around the world to join him on Friday, March 25, in consecrating Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, something bishops in every part of the globe had started announcing the minute they heard what the pope had planned.
Bishop to lead men in consecration to St. Joseph
PINE BLUFF — Bishop Donald J. Hying will be coming to St. Mary of Pine Bluff Parish, 3637 CR P, on Friday, Feb. 7, to launch the “St. Joseph Strong” challenge, calling all men to enter into the 33 Day Consecration to St. Joseph (February 16 to March 19, Feast of St. Joseph).
All men who attend will receive a free copy of Fr. Donald Calloway’s book, Consecration to St. Joseph, along with a free “St. Joseph Strong” challenge coin.
Approaching the Eucharist with childlike awe
In awe, my five-year-old son peered over the pew during the Consecration, the most holy part of the Mass during which the host and the wine become the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Normally my youngest can be a bit rambunctious during Mass, but we try to pull him aside and point out the miracle before us at each Consecration.
Seeing through a child’s eyes
“The priest, in persona Christi, is asking the Holy Spirit to change the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus right now,” I whispered into my son’s ear. “Look! He’s holding up Jesus!”
Fr. Michael Gaitley speaks about 33 Days to Morning Glory
MADISON — Some attendees called it one of the largest crowds they had ever seen at the Bishop O’Connor Center in Madison.
Hundreds packed the auditorium on Friday, Nov. 1 — All Saints Day — to hear Fr. Michael Gaitley talk about the most recent push for everyone to consecrate themselves to Jesus through Mary.
Rejoice always! Pray always!
Dear Friends,
Gaudete Sunday this year was truly a Sunday of rejoicing for me. I thank God for that, and I pray that it was a great day of rejoicing for all of you, as well. It would have been enough had I simply been given the gift of our liturgy in anticipation of our celebration of Christ’s coming, but there were some additional gifts to be experienced.
Announcement (Dec. 15, 2011 edition)
Rev. Msgr. James Bartylla, Vicar General, announces the following on behalf of Most Reverend Robert C. Morlino, Bishop of Madison: