To the editor:
One of the headlines in a recent issue of the La Crosse Tribune said: “Wisconsin GOP renews anti-abortion push.”
To the editor:
One of the headlines in a recent issue of the La Crosse Tribune said: “Wisconsin GOP renews anti-abortion push.”
MADISON — This year the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Second Sunday of Advent fall on successive days: Saturday, Dec. 8, and Sunday, Dec. 9.
Since the solemnity remains a holy day of obligation, there is sometimes confusion regarding when and how often people need to participate in Mass. There are several scenarios that could take place that weekend. The Diocesan Office of Worship suggests the following:
As Catholics, we believe that life begins at conception. So when babies die in miscarriage or stillbirth, their parents should be able to have a service for them.
Elizabeth Ministry, headquartered in Wisconsin, is also working with more cemeteries to set aside an area for babies who have died before birth.
In Wisconsin, there are two pieces of proposed legislation which seek to demonstrate greater respect for unborn children.
The Heal Without Harm Initiative is a package of two complementary bills, the “Unborn Child Disposition and Anatomical Gift Act” (SB 424/AB 550) and the “Fetal Remains Respect Act” (SB 423/AB 549).
Holy Ghost-Immaculate Conception (HG-IC) School in Dickeyville and Kieler supported the Go Orange Fight Hunger Day on September 14 that was promoted by NBC 15 and other local businesses.
KIELER — A Kairos TEC (Together Encountering Christ) retreat will be coming to Immaculate Conception Parish in Kieler December 28 to 30.
Open to all from juniors in high school and older, TEC is an intergenerational movement of the Catholic Church designed to help meet the spiritual needs of Catholic Christians.
Each TEC retreat proclaims the Paschal Mystery: the death, resurrection, and mission of Christ. Participants not only hear about the Paschal Mystery, but they also experience it.
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I experienced a miracle! A few days ago, I held in my arms my first grandbaby — newly born Faith Annmarie.
Thank God she’s healthy and perfectly formed. And as I was looking at her, I reflected how wonderfully she is made: arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, toes, eyes, mouth, nose, ears, as well as what I couldn’t see but was just as real — hundreds of different tissues, dozens of organs including the remarkable brain, and trillions of cells.
And then I reflected on her divinely infused eternal soul.
BOSCOBEL — The Vatican International “Eucharistic Miracles of the World” exhibit will be at Corpus Christi Parish, at the Immaculate Conception Church hall in Boscobel, on May 27 to 29: Friday from 5 to 9 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 12 noon to 9 p.m. The exhibit is open to the public.
Eucharistic Adoration will be available in the church while the exhibit is on, followed by Benediction each day. The DVD Science Tests Faith, a presentation on research done in this area, will also be on display in the hall. People willing to be adorers for Adoration during the exhibit would be welcomed.
The exhibit, which features large posters depicting miracles in the Holy Eucharist from across the world, is sponsored by the Real Presence Eucharistic Education and Adoration Association.
BOSCOBEL — A Pentecost Candlelight Vigil will be held on Saturday, May 14, at 7 p.m. at Immaculate Conception Church in Boscobel.
This local vigil is being held in conjunction with the worldwide Pentecost Vigil, titled the Wild Goose Project, established by Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR, in collaboration with Dumb Ox Ministries and The Vigil Project.
The Wild Goose Project is an attempt to invite Catholic Christians into a more profound life-giving relationship with the Holy Spirit. This is a relationship marked by the love of God which breathes life into our daily existence.
MADISON — A special Solemn Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite will be celebrated at the Bishop O’Connor Catholic Center, 702 S. High Point Rd., on Tuesday, Dec. 8, at 7:30 p.m., in the presence of Bishop Robert C. Morlino.
December 8 is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and a Holy Day of Obligation.
A Solemn Mass includes the service also of a deacon and subdeacon.
PORTAGE — A young man on a spiritual mission, biking across the state of Wisconsin for a higher cause, is undeterred by his cerebral palsy.
Christopher Pundzak is biking from the National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians at Holy Hill near Milwaukee to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, a distance of over 190 miles. He is on a mission is to raise awareness that the soul is stronger than the body and that we can do great things for God and others when motivated by love.