Alchemists had the same problem
Our leaders must ‘transform’ to receive Communion
Tag: communion
Letter to the Editor (4/28/22)
Appearance and substance in the Eucharist
Letter to the editor (July 1, 2021)
• The ‘Communion debate’
Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion workshops
There are some upcoming opportunities to learn how to become an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion (EMHC).
Workshops for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
MADISON — The Diocese of Madison Office of Worship is offering workshops for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
Here is information on the dates, times, and locations:
• Sunday, Feb. 16, at Sacred Heart Parish in Reedsburg, 624 N. Willow St., 11:45 a.m.-1:15 p.m.
Workshops offered for Ministers of Holy Communion
MADISON — The […]
Workshops for extraordinary ministers
MADISON — The Office of Worship of the Diocese of Madison is holding Workshops for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
Attendance at one of the diocesan workshops is required for all ministers. The schedule of upcoming workshops includes:
Eucharistic ministers evangelize by bringing Communion to nursing homes
To the editor:
Eucharistic ministers can help to save souls by bringing Communion to nursing homes. Most Catholics think that evangelization means “bringing people to Jesus,” but in a real sense, it includes “bringing the body of Jesus to people.”
This form of evangelization is becoming more important because we have an aging population, with nursing homes becoming a growing part of many communities.
Additional workshop for extraordinary ministers of Communion
MADISON — Another […]
Workshops for extraordinary ministers of Communion
MADISON — The Diocese of Madison Office of Worship is holding workshops for extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion at the following dates and locations:
• Saturday, Jan. 13, 2018, 9:30 to 11 a.m., at St. Clare of Assisi Parish (St. Victor Church), 1760 14th St. in Monroe. Snow date is Saturday, March 3, at the same time
• Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018, 1 to 2:30 p.m., at Holy Name Heights (formerly the Bishop O’Connor Center), 702 S. High Point Rd. in Madison. Snow date is Thursday, Feb. 22, at the same time.