The six founding Sisters of Valley of Our Lady Monastery who journeyed to Madison from their home in Switzerland nearly 70 years ago probably never imagined how far their community would come.
Tag: Cistercian
Cistercian Sisters thank supporters, welcome gifts
“And now we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name.”
— 1 Chronicles 29:13
PRAIRIE DU SAC — November is the month when we celebrate all the saints, remember the deceased in our prayers in a particular way, and set apart a day to thank God for His many blessings.
Although it might not seem obvious at first, these practices are closely linked, especially in the monastic tradition.
Monastery part of Fermentation Fest D’Tour
PRAIRIE DU SAC — During the upcoming Fermentation Fest D’Tour, you are invited by the Nuns of Valley of Our Lady Monastery in Prairie du Sac to visit their home on the edge of what was once the great Sauk Prairie to learn about their life of “ora et labora” (prayer and work) — from September 26 through October 4.
The Sisters serve God and the world by praying for those in need, singing psalms in Gregorian chant seven times each day, along with planting, harvesting, sewing, and baking altar breads in an enclosed environment of silence and sacrifice.
An onsite exhibit will share their story.
D’Tour is a diverse 50 plus mile self-guided, free family drive through the artistic, cultural, and natural highlights of southern Sauk County.
Building a monastery of the heart
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Last week, I was blessed to lead the annual retreat for the Cistercian Nuns here in our diocese.
The Valley of Our Lady Monastery in Prairie du Sac has been a sacred place of contemplative prayer, cloistered life, and beautiful peace since it was established in the 1950’s.
This community of Sisters radically dedicated to God through a life of prayer, silence, and work is a blessing for all of us. Being with them was a privilege and a grace.
Four degrees of love
St. Bernard of Clairveaux breathed new life into Cistercian monasticism in the Middle Ages during the 11th century and monasteries began all over Europe in a refreshing movement of spiritual fervor.
Sisters to hold discernment retreat
The Cistercians Nuns and Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity invite single Catholic women, ages 20 to 32, to a Discernment of Spirits Retreat, specially designed for young adult and young professional women.
Relic collection available for veneration on November 3
PRAIRIE DU SAC — We recently celebrated All Saints’ Day. This celebration makes manifest our belief that there is a powerful spiritual bond between those in heaven (the “Church Triumphant”), and the living (the “Church Militant”).
We venerate relics — not because the individual saint is worthy of some sort of worship, or because there is anything inherently powerful in the relic itself — but because relics are used by God as a means of grace and to show His power and love.
Cistercian Sisters seek prayers and support to build new monastery
In 1957, six Cistercian Sisters from Switzerland came to Wisconsin at the request of Bishop William P. O’Connor, bishop of the newly formed Diocese of Madison.
Veneration of relics at Valley of our Lady
Veneration of relics at monastery May 19
Veneration of relics at monastery May 19