Last year, four priests battled it out baking some delicious breads and desserts in the Catholic Diocese of Madison Foundation’s (CDMF) Great Mercy Match to raise money for works of mercy.
Tag: charity
St. Vincent de Paul holds Recycle the Warmth Blanket Drive
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Dane County is holding its 26th annual Recycle the Warmth Blanket Drive to collect thousands of donated new and gently used clean blankets and other bedding to give away to families and individuals living in low-income households.
Sisters offer retreat for single women
PRAIRIE DU SAC — Cistercian Nuns and Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity invite single Catholic women, ages 18 to 32, to a mostly silent retreat designed for women discerning their vocation.
Franciscan Sister Jacqueline Spaniola, OSF, will teach St. Ignatius’ discernment process.
The retreat will take place Saturday, April 29, at Valley of Our Lady Cistercian Monastery in Prairie du Sac and begins with 8 a.m. Mass (optional).
Garage sale raises funds for children in need
STOUGHTON — Four St. Ann Parish families who make up the charity, Kids-4-Kids, will host a garage sale on Saturday, June 11, from 8 a.m. until 12 noon at 2225 Hilldale Cir. in Stoughton, to raise funds for area children in need.
Is gratitude an antidote to depression?
Question: How does gratitude help me day to day? I have heard a lot about how practicing gratitude helps with depression but I don’t know how to practice it in an effective way.
Response: by William McKenna, M.S. Clinical Psychology Extern at Catholic Charities
Great question! Gratitude is a powerful antidote to depressive thoughts and feelings for a number of reasons, many of which I am sure you know.
Possessing only an abstract understanding of gratitude makes putting it into practice difficult.
Catholic virtues offer solution for politicians
To the editor:
Thank you for your editorial, “What’s happening to our ‘perfect union’? Many politicians find divisive issues and exploit them.
When private sector workers began to lose their benefits, politicians began to attack the benefits of public sector employees. Their rhetoric fanned envy, often demonizing those who seemed to be better off.
Adaptation and renewal of Religious Life: Chastity and charity linked
Editor’s note: During this Year of Consecrated Life, this is the eighth in a series based on the Second Vatican Council’s document, Perfectae Caritatis (Decree on the Adaptation and Renewal of Religious Life) written by Abbot Marcel Rooney, OSB, former abbot primate of the Benedictine order who now resides in Madison.
In this commentary on the Decree of the Second Vatican Council, On the Adaptation and Renewal of Religious Life (Perfectae Caritatis), we have been reflecting on how the council fathers envisioned a deep renewal of what the Church calls “the Consecrated Life.”
Number 12 of the decree speaks of one of the evangelical counsels, chastity, as at the core of that life.
Building culture of mercy, accompaniment
Dear Friends,
Of late it seems that all roads — whether in Rome or at home — lead to one place, to one theme: mercy.
Just a week or two ago, many of us in the diocese were blessed to experience the presence of the major relics of St. Maria Goretti — the Church’s youngest canonized Saint and one of our greatest examples of mercy. If you do not know her story, I highly encourage you to learn about it.
The tour of St. Maria Goretti’s remains around the United States is part of a preparation for the Year of Mercy, which Pope Francis has announced and which will begin on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception — December 8.
Adaptation and renewal of Religious Life: Pursuit of perfect charity
Editor’s note: During this Year of Consecrated Life, this is the second in a series based on the Second Vatican Council’s document, Perfectae Caritatis (Decree on the Adaptation and Renewal of Religious Life) written by Abbot Marcel Rooney, OSB, former abbot primate of the Benedictine order who now resides in Madison.
We have seen in the first reflection commenting on Religious Life that the basis for and origin of this way of Christian life is the example and teaching of Jesus (Perfectae Caritatis, #1).
The Second Vatican Council’s teaching says that the consecration of Religious Life is focused on the pursuit of perfect charity.
2015 Annual Catholic Appeal: ‘Living Our Mission of Charity’
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MADISON — Have you ever modeled your charitable life around the Holy Family?
You may not give of yourselves the same way as Mary and Joseph did, but modeling your charitable giving through your time, talent, and treasure is your way of giving back.
One way to live your mission of charity is through giving to the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA). Each year, the ACA asks each parishioner in the Diocese of Madison to prayerfully consider what they are able to give back to their diocesan Church.The Diocese of Madison lives on your generosity to support its missions — missions that are critical in helping our neighbors in need, teaching those that need education and training on our faith.
The Annual Catholic Appeal reaches every corner of our diocese in some way, here are just a few.
Marriage Preparation — Does your parish offer marriage preparation classes to those seeking the sacrament Sacrament of Marriage? The ACA funds the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis, which oversees the training and materials needed for marriage preparation classes around the diocese.
Catholic schools — Do you know of a child that attends a Catholic school? Just like every school district in the state, the Office of Catholic Schools is directed by the superintendent of Catholic schools. This office oversees all of the administrative functions supporting the Catholic school system in our diocese.
Catholic Charities — Has your parish community benefited from the Mobile Food Pantry? It travels around the diocese helping those that need that extra assistance at difficult times. This is just one mission that Catholic Charities does for our neighbors in need.