The universal Catholic Church is looking toward the Jubilee Year 2025 — the 2,025th anniversary of the Incarnation of our Lord.
Tag: Catholic Herald Staff
Año Jubilar en 2025
La Iglesia Católica universal mira hacia el Año Jubilar 2025, el aniversario 2,025 de la Encarnación de nuestro Señor.
Bishop Donald J. Hying Schedule
The weekly schedule for Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison.
Monday, Dec. 9, is a Holy Day of Obligation
Catholics are obliged to attend Mass on the
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.
Walking with One during Advent — Step two: Intercede
As we continue the Advent journey, the readings of Advent help us focus on the true meaning of the liturgical season.
Evening of vocations discernment for young women on December 13
Young women, ages 18 to 35, are invited to an evening of prayer, conversation, vocational insights, and laughter.
Caminando con alguien durante el Adviento — Segundo Paso: Interceder
A medida que continuamos el camino del Adviento, las lecturas del Adviento nos ayudan a centrarnos en el verdadero significado del tiempo litúrgico.
Bishop Donald J. Hying Schedule
The weekly schedule for Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison.
Participa en el estudio para eladviento ‘Camina con alguien’
El Obispo Donald J. Hying de Madison invita a los fieles de la diócesis a participar en el estudio para este Adviento titulado “Camina con alguien”.
Participate in the Walk With One Advent study
Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison invites the faithful of the diocese to participate in the Walk With One Advent study.