On Sunday, Feb. 12, the Knights of Columbus and St. John the Baptist Parish in Waunakee will be hosting a Super Bowl Sunday tailgate fundraiser, titled “Fetters Family FUNdraiser”, starting at 4 p.m. The event will be held in the gym of St. John the Baptist School at 114 East 3rd St. and there is a suggested $50 entrance fee donation at the door.
Tag: cancer
Let’s respond to Pope Francis’ challenge!
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I’m hoping this is true, because instead of writing a long “Editor’s View” this week, I’m publishing a picture. I hope it tells the story better than many words!
It was perhaps providential that I paid a visit to Niagara Falls close to the time when Pope Francis issued his encyclical, Laudato Si’: on Care for Our Common Home.
Cardinal leaves legacy of faith, courage, wisdom
Cardinal Francis George’s episcopal motto was: Christo gloria in ecclesia (To Christ Be Glory in the Church).
Cardinal George dedicated his life to Christ and His Church. However, it wasn’t an easy life, which is probably why Cardinal George felt such compassion for other people.
At age 13, Cardinal George suffered from polio. He said the disease left him “a captive in my own body.”
“Grand Mom” writes her last column
A few weeks ago I learned that my lung cancer had crept into my bones and is likely to take my life within six months. That’s the bad news.
The Pascal Mystery: Death evolving into life
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Sr. Ruth Battaglia, CSA |
After successful treatment for breast cancer 16 years ago, it returned with a vengeance — 15 small brain tumors and a lung tumor. This time it was stage four cancer.
The diagnosis stunned everyone. The news of Patty Kelbel’s condition spread quickly, especially among the Christian Experience Weekend (CEW) community. CEW is an intense retreat experience, directed mostly by laity, that has been a joint venture between the parishes of St. Ann in Stoughton and Holy Mother of Consolation (HMC) in Oregon for a number of years.
Janesville schools team up to fight cancer
“It’s a little chilly, but it’s for a good cause.”
Those were the words of St. John Vianney student Genna Laesch as she walked almost five miles with about 70 of her fellow eighth-graders from Janesville’s four Catholic grade schools.
Benefit planned for Meinholz family
MADISON — A benefit for Jeremy Meinholz and his family will be held on Sunday, Oct. 13, sponsored by Catholic Financial Life Chapter 280 Ashton/Middleton, along with Jeremy’s family and friends.
Jeremy has a fast-growing, life- threatening melanoma. He and his wife, Cheryl, have three children: Aiden (10), Isabel (seven), and Sawyer (four). Our goal is to raise funds for medical bills and other expenses as Jeremy fights this cancer.
Sister brings joy to others despite terminal cancer
CROSS PLAINS — There’s a special parking space in front of St. Francis Xavier’s parish office — a cone with lots of markings letting people know — this spot is reserved for Sister John Rose.
In recent weeks, you could see signs all around Cross Plains asking for prayers and encouraging her to, “Hang in there, Sister!” I found her inside the church, moving around the facility, attending to visitors. She was willing to take a little time to talk about her recent diagnosis.
Sr. John Rose Acker has been involved in pastoral ministry at St. Francis Xavier Parish in Cross Plains for 23 years, where she ministers to the sick, elderly, and dying. Prior to that, she was a teacher for 32 years. She celebrates 62 years as a School Sister of St. Francis this year.
Women, youth deserve protection from chemicals
To the editor:
President Obama and the head of the federal Department of Health and Human Services have decided not to allow girls under 17 years to get the morning-after pill, Ella, without a doctor’s prescription.
In the state of Wisconsin, Governor Walker signed into law in our public schools that abstinence only can be taught to our youth.
Pool fundraiser helps camp co-director dive back into work
Last fall, during a mere six-week period, over $100,000 was donated to Camp Gray for the construction of a new swimming pool.