Wisconsin’s Catholic bishops have issued a statement in support of those displaced from Afghanistan and residing at Fort McCoy.
Tag: bishops
State bishops support rally for life coming to Madison
MADISON — Spanning three weeks in January and covering five states, pro-life advocates from around the Midwest will gather in multiple locations leading up to the March for Life Chicago.
The “Moving the Movement” Tour will begin with a kick-off event in Madison, on Saturday, Jan. 2.
The Chicago march is an annual event that draws thousands from across the Midwest to celebrate all human life from conception through natural death.
This year in Madison, March for Life Chicago is partnering with the Wisconsin Catholic Conference (WCC), Wisconsin Family Council, Wisconsin Right to Life, and Pro-Life Wisconsin, the same organizations that sponsored the March for Life Wisconsin in the past.
Wisconsin bishops announce new bishop reporting and accountability measures
MADISON — Wisconsin’s Catholic bishops have announced the implementation of a protocol and reporting system for misconduct allegations involving a bishop within the state.
The new protocol was developed and implemented over the past several months and adheres to the Holy Father’s apostolic letter Motu Proprio, Vos estis lux mundi (“You are the Light of the World”).
For many years, all five Wisconsin dioceses have had robust and effective systems in place for reporting and responding to allegations of misconduct by all Church personnel, but these new measures have been adopted to ensure even more careful oversight for allegations involving bishops.
Catholic Bishops of Wisconsin issue statement on unjust killings and recent protests
The following statement has been issued by the Roman Catholic bishops of Wisconsin:
Dearly Beloved,
In this traumatic time, we join with our brother bishops and committee chairmen of United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in expressing our anger and tremendous sorrow over the recent brutal death of George Floyd and the violence that people of color have suffered at the hands of vigilantes and unprincipled public authorities across our nation. These unjust acts have unfortunately plagued our state and nation for centuries. All of us must respond with prayer, solidarity, and solace for the victims and their families, but this continuing brutality calls for even greater effort and action.
We encourage everyone to examine any attitudes of racism within themselves or others that contribute to a culture of disrespect of the dignity and rights of every human person. As noted in the USCCB statement “People of good conscience must never turn a blind eye when citizens are being deprived of their human dignity and even their lives. Indifference is not an option. ‘As bishops, we unequivocally state that racism is a life issue.'”
Statement of the Catholic bishops of Wisconsin on the COVID-19 pandemic
Dearly Beloved,
The celebration of Christ’s resurrection and the promise of salvation is a special source of joy and hope during these challenging times.
As we approach Easter and our celebration of the Holy Triduum, we write to express our profound admiration for the many ways that you are witnessing to Christ in the current pandemic.
What is ‘synodality’ and walking the synodal path?
It was a great privilege for me to participate in the Synod on Young People in the fall of 2018.
Bishop Hying returns from whirlwind ‘ad limina’ week in Rome, meets pope
Bishop Donald J. Hying has returned from what he described as a “whirlwind” week in Rome for his “ad limina” visit.
Vote: Voting is both a right and a responsibility
Ever since I was old enough to vote, I have always voted in every election. I think of it as both a right and a responsibility.
On November 6, we will have a midterm election. These happen every four years near the midpoint of a president’s four-year term of office.
Vote: Voting is both a right and a responsibility
Ever since I was old enough to vote, I have always voted in every election. I think of it as both a right and a responsibility.
On November 6, we will have a midterm election. These happen every four years near the midpoint of a president’s four-year term of office.
Pray for underground bishops in China
To the editor:
In the September 27 edition of the Catholic Herald, you printed an article entitled, “Vatican signs agreement with China on naming bishops.” However, the article failed to mention some relevant information.
Beijing will acknowledge the pope as head of the Catholic Church in China, yet they will have the final say in the appointment of bishops. The Vatican has agreed to recognize, and consecrate, seven illegitimate “bishops” (previously rejected by the Holy See), installed by the communist-controlled Catholic Patriotic Church. The Vatican has requested that two bishops from the persecuted underground church step down in order to make room instead for the “bishops” from the Patriotic Church.