Priests of the Diocese of Madison will gather from Sunday through Wednesday, Sept. 24 to 27, at the Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells for their 43rd annual Presbyteral Assembly.
Tag: Assembly
Priests of the diocese to gather for annual assembly
WISCONIN DELLS — Priests of the Diocese of Madison will be gathering Sunday through Wednesday, Sept. 15 through 18, at the Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells for their 39th annual Presbyteral Assembly.
The Presbyteral Assembly provides opportunities for prayer, education, and socializing for the priests. The theme for this year’s assembly is “The Sacrificial and Fatherly Heart of the Celibate Priest.”
Fr. Scott Jablonski, director of continuing formation for priests, said, “We are excited to welcome two excellent guest speakers: Fr. Carter Griffin and Dr. John Bergsma.”
Priests to gather for annual Presbyteral Assembly
WISCONSIN DELLS — Priests of the Diocese of Madison will be gathering for their annual Presbyteral Assembly from Sunday evening, Sept. 18, to Wednesday, Sept. 21, at Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells.
The assembly is an opportunity for prayer and fellowship among the priests of the diocese, as well as education and reflection.
In this Year of Mercy, there will be two keynote presentations by Vinny Flynn, who is known by many as the man who sings the Divine Mercy Chaplet on EWTN.
Alice Heinzen to speak at annual priests’ assembly
WISCONSIN DELLS — Alice Heinzen, who along with her husband Jeff was a delegate to the Synod on the Family in Rome, will speak to priests of the Diocese of Madison when they gather for their annual Presbyteral Assembly from Sunday evening, Sept. 20, to Wednesday, Sept. 23, at Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells.
The assembly is an opportunity for prayer and fellowship among priests of the diocese, as well as time for education and reflection.
State proposals would curb human trafficking
MADISON — The Wisconsin Catholic Conference (WCC) is supporting two bills that would strengthen Wisconsin’s human trafficking laws.
The proposals — Senate Bill 492 and Assembly Bill 620 — were considered in separate legislative hearings.
Constitutes grave offense
WCC Associate Director Barbara Sella offered written testimony in support of SB 492 to the Senate Committee on Transportation, Public Safety, and Veterans and Military Affairs on January 21 and to the Assembly Committee on Corrections on January 23.
Going forward and looking back
MADISON — As the 2013 National Assembly of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul entered its third full scheduled day of events, it was a time to look back on how all the society’s works started.
The year 2013 marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
Retreat on Ozanam’s life
A crowded Grand Ballroom at the Concourse Hotel in Madison, filled with members and volunteers from all across the country, spent part of the morning in a retreat, reflecting on Ozanam’s life.
The retreat was led by Ralph Middlecamp, society executive director for the district council of Madison, and by Sr. Kieran Kneaves, Daughter of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul since 1958.
Legislature passes ultrasound measure
MADISON — Both the state Senate and Assembly passed a bill requiring ultrasounds for those considering an abortion.
According to the Wisconsin Catholic Conference (WCC) Capital Update report, the vote was 17-15 in favor in the Senate and 56-39 in favor in the Assembly for Senate Bill 206 (authored by Senator Mary Lazich, R-New Berlin), also known as “Sonya’s Law.”
Wisconsin Right to Life explained that Sonya, a Wisconsin mother of two children, learned that she was pregnant with her third child this past November. Sonya worried about how she could handle another child, emotionally and financially. She seriously thought about abortion.
Legislature approves pro-life bills
In the closing days of the 2011-12 legislative session, the Wisconsin Assembly gave final approval to two bills that ensure access to health care without increasing support for abortion.
WCC helps defeat rent-to-own legislation
The Wisconsin Catholic Conference (WCC) joined other pro-consumer groups to persuade legislators to reject a bill to exempt rent-to-own (RTO) businesses from key provisions of Wisconsin’s Consumer Act (WCA).
Revisions to sex education approved, awaits governor’s signature
On March 14, the State Assembly approved legislation to provide local districts more flexibility in teaching human growth and development classes. The bill also permits abstinence-based instruction.