MADISON — The 75th semi-annual International Rosary March will be held on Sunday, May 4, at 2 p.m. at Holy Redeemer Church, 120 W. Johnson St.
There will be a homily, Benediction, and praying of the Rosary.
MADISON — The 75th semi-annual International Rosary March will be held on Sunday, May 4, at 2 p.m. at Holy Redeemer Church, 120 W. Johnson St.
There will be a homily, Benediction, and praying of the Rosary.
MADISON — As warmer spring weather approaches, Catholics across the Diocese of Madison are invited to the fifth annual Spring Wine Fest, benefitting the mission of St. Paul University Catholic Center.
St. Paul’s continues to grow its mission and outreach to thousands of Catholic and non-Catholic students who come to UW-Madison from across the diocese and state.
MADISON — As we prepare for Lent as a Catholic community, we prepare to give alms. What does it mean to give alms? The definition includes the charitable giving of money, food, or goods to people in need. It is one form of sacrifice we as Catholics are asked to perform during the season of Lent, just as Christ sacrificed himself for each of us.
This year’s theme for the 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal is “Beacon of Faith, Fire of Charity.” The focus this year is on evangelization and the Corporal Works of Mercy. The Annual Catholic Appeal funds both of those ministries, plus many others. Here are a few examples:
• Evangelization and Catechesis — Each of us as Catholics is asked to share Christ’s message through evangelization. The Church catechizes the young through religious education classes and adults through RCIA, retreats, and classes.
• Catholic Charities — As the Corporal Works of Mercy arm of the Diocese of Madison, Catholic Charities touches so many lives. They visit the sick through the Respite Care Program; feed the hungry and give drink to the thirsty through the Mobile Food Pantry and the Catholic Multicultural Center. These are just a few of the programs supported by the Annual Catholic Appeal and provided through Catholic Charities.
While they were in Madison for their annual gathering, seminarians for the Diocese of Madison met with members of the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) Lumen Christi Society to show their appreciation for their support of the ACA. Bishop Robert C. Morlino hosted the reception held at the Bishop O’Connor Center in Madison.