The practice of our Catholic faith finds its summary in the two-fold commandment given to us by Jesus: Love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind; and love our neighbor as ourselves.
Tag: Annual Catholic Appeal
We are One Body in Christ
The theme for the 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal is We are One Body in Christ, a reference to the writings of St. Paul, who often preached and wrote about our unity in the Lord, flowing from our communion as brothers and sisters in the Church and our participation in the Eucharist.
Camp Gray offers spiritual enrichment throughout the year
Your contributions to the Diocese of Madison’s Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) provide critical support for so many programs and services that just wouldn’t be possible without your generosity — thank you!
Annual Catholic Appeal — Your gift in action: Love Begins Here
Love Begins Here (LBH) provides middle and high school youth with an opportunity to encounter Jesus Christ in a life-changing way through week-long local mission trips, where students work in Catholic community and continue His work on earth.
Annual Catholic Appeal — Your gift in action: Catholic Schools
As I am writing this article, it is Teacher Appreciation Week. It will be over by the time you are reading this article, but after what has transpired with COVID these last couple of years, I am convinced that the teachers in our Catholic schools need more than just a week.
Annual Catholic Appeal – Your gift in action: Xavier Mission Team
The Xavier Mission team, named after St. Francis Xavier, is a new evangelization initiative serving middle and high school youth in our diocese.
Support your Church through the Annual Catholic Appeal
In one way or another, every Catholic in the Diocese of Madison has benefited from the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) and the apostolates, ministries, and programs funded by its generous donors.
Annual Catholic Appeal — Your gift in action: Youth formation
MADISON — Our middle and high school students are at a critical age in which formation is key.
2021 Annual Catholic Appeal wrap-up: ‘The Kingdom of God is at Hand’
It is hard to believe that the Advent season is almost upon us. During this time of year, it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season, but it is also important to remember its true meaning.
Annual Catholic Appeal – your gifts in action
MADISON — When you make a gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA), you are supporting ministries throughout the entire diocese.