By Cathy Lins
Catholic Herald Correspondent
REEDSBURG — On Saturday, May 15, men from throughout the Diocese of Madison are invited to an outdoor retreat at Camp Gray in Reedsburg.
Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison and Fr. Jared Holzhuter, pastor of St Olaf Parish in DeForest, will be the featured speakers for this event.
This year’s theme is, “Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled,” based on the scripture passage John 14:2.
The talks will focus on topics like the challenges to living the faith today when you are sent into enemy territory, what we can learn from the first Apostles to live out the command to spread the Gospel and make more disciples, and looking to scriptures and the saints for guidance on how to maintain peace in our hearts in the midst of chaos.
According to Father Holzhuter, retreats like this are needed in the times we are living in.
“It’s good for men to come together and support each other. When you have friends in the faith, your faith will grow. If you don’t, your faith will suffer. Now is a good time to come together and bolster each other, share a common bond, and let the Lord strengthen our resolve to follow Christ.”
“This retreat is for any man that desires to be confirmed to Christ,” he said.
“I think (when they participate in this event) they’ll find solid guys who want to grow in their faith.”
Activities during the day will include Mass, small group discussions after the scheduled talks, Rosary, Confession, and Adoration.
The retreat starts at 8 a.m. and concludes by 3:30 p.m.
In case of rain, the retreat will be held indoors. Participants are asked to follow the local health guidelines.
To register, visit or contact the Faith Formation Office at 608-356-5353.
The cost is $35, or $40 after May 8, and includes a grilled steak lunch.