JEFFERSON — The parish community of St. Francis of Assisi in Jefferson has joined every parish in our diocese in supporting and participating in the initial stages of Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison’s evangelization initiative of “Go Make Disciples”.
Parishioners at St. John the Baptist and St. Lawrence Churches, in addition to students and staff at St. John the Baptist School, are joined in prayer and good works to live and proclaim the Gospel of Christ.
With reverence, devotion, and passion, people of all ages have united in their shared obligation and commitment to accepting the Great Commission, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations.” (Matt. 28:19-20).
Entering Phase 2
As we enter Phase 2 of our “Common Vision for Evangelization,” as proposed by Bishop Hying in March of 2020, we look back at the work done during Phase 1 as St. Francis of Assisi Parish highlights events and discipleship in action.
In the words of our bishop: “Even as we are deeply formed in our identity as followers of Christ, we must take the Gospel forth, inviting others to become disciples through our loving witness and joyous service . . . Missionary discipleship has become the organizing focus in the Catholic Church recently, the prism through which believers discuss evangelization, catechesis, prayer, service, and virtue.”
It is in taking these words to heart that our parish community has organized and engaged in discussion, planning, prayer, liturgical celebrations, and charitable works.
Many groups and individuals continue their participation in our diocesan mission of evangelization and discipleship as we enter Phase 2.
Highlighting one area of evangelization and discipleship at St. Francis of Assisi Parish involves the good works carried out by the parish and school in the form of meeting the needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ through service projects and prayer gatherings that provide comfort to those that are suffering.
Many events have been organized and led by Pastor Fr. Thomas Coyle, the religious education staff, and St. John the Baptist School staff and students.
Examples of discipleship
As this initiative proceeds, we would like to highlight examples of discipleship from our parish community to show that people of all ages are called to action and can respond in myriad ways.
One shining example of youth discipleship is in recognizing Eddy Rodriguez, a student at Jefferson High School (JHS).
Eddy was recently honored as one of three seniors chosen by the Jefferson Rotary Club as Student Rotarians for the month of November.
Honorees were selected for their scholarship, positive leadership, and service to the community.
Eddy has been involved in track and field, performs community service work with the JHS Latino Club, volunteers at the local library, and is active in the JHS “BASIC” (Brothers and Sisters in Christ) club, which just completed its annual Thanksgiving dinner for the community.
They are planning projects for Advent and Christmas as well.
In addition to contributing to the high school community, Eddy serves his parish family with the same enthusiasm and commitment.
Director of Religious Education Tiffany Topel shares that he serves on the youth ministry EDGE Core Team.
He assists an adult leader with one of the eighth-grade small groups on Wednesday evenings as part of our EDGE program.
It is a Catholic middle school youth ministry program, which provides a safe, fun place for youth to find solid Catholic community, to get answers to their questions about faith, and, most importantly, to experience Jesus in a profound and personal way.
EDGE resources speak to the physical, psychological, cognitive, relational, and spiritual maturation of middle school youth.
Eddy has also participated in Love Begins Here and our high school Steubenville Conference in the past.
As an inspiring example of his prayer life, Eddy also commits to a holy hour of Adoration in our Perpetual Adoration Chapel on a regular basis.
Finally, he helps to complete various projects while serving on our custodial staff during the summer months.
After graduating from Jefferson High School in June, Eddy plans to study mechanics at a technical college and to continue his work and growth as a disciple of Christ.
Bishop Hying reminds us that “Jesus Christ calls all of the baptized to proclaim the liberating and saving Gospel to others, forming our brothers and sisters in the Catholic Faith that we treasure . . . Even as we are deeply formed in our identity as followers of Christ, we must take the Gospel forth, inviting others to become disciples through our loving witness and joyous service . . . I joyfully and prayerfully invite every baptized member of our local Church to hear this call to discipleship anew and respond with faith and generosity. When we set the sail of our lives to the mighty wind of the Holy Spirit, God will lead us forth to do the work of Christ, as we proclaim, pray, serve and love in His Name.”
Parishioners, such as Eddy Rodriguez, have not only answered the call to discipleship but show us how it is done.