MADISON — In a six-month transformation, St. Dennis Parish is now more “Centered on Christ” — which was the name of its campaign to not only move the tabernacle to the middle of the sanctuary, but also to install a new altar, crucifix, and stained glass window, all centered together, on Christ.
“As pastor, I’m just so uplifted and elated and encouraged,” said St. Dennis Pastor Fr. Randy Timmerman, following the consecration Mass at the church on October 14.
He added that he has “a lot of gratitude for how things fell in place and people’s efforts and as a parish, we want to keep centered on Christ.”
Bishop Robert C. Morlino celebrated the consecration Mass.
“I’m very proud of you, and I hope you are proud members of this wonderful parish family,” he said at the start of the Mass.
During his homily, Bishop Morlino remarked that, “We come here to offer sacrifice at this altar. We don’t come here for good feelings or a good time. Because we come here, we are outside the camp [as talked about in the day’s readings]. And outside the camp, there is hatred of evil.”
He added that the gift of “Fear of the Lord” makes us hate evil and that is what causes us not to fit in the world.
Following the homily, were the rites of consecration.
These included relics placed in the altar, along with the altar’s dedication and anointing with oil.
The altar was then incensed and the altar cloth and candles were placed on it and then lit.
Parishioners Sue Besler, Katie Finkelmeyer, and Lynn Sullivan presented the cloths to the bishop while Kelly and Dan Cheramy presented flowers.
At the end of the Mass, Committee Chair Paul and Jo Stoffel presented flowers before an image of the Holy Family.