PLATTEVILLE — St. Augustine University Parish and Pioneer Catholic Newman Center reached a significant fundraising milestone in its historic capital campaign to build a new chapel and student center for the students of UW-Platteville (UWP).
The project garnered early support, raising over $3.4 million since August 2021 and bringing the total raised for the chapel to over $5 million
With daily and weekend Masses overflowing with students and local community members, Parochial Administrator Fr. John Del Priore, SJS, saw the need for the new chapel and student center. “Sunday Masses are so full that we set up folding chairs in the narthex of the current chapel,” he said.
The project is the final phase of the Newman Center’s campus transformation, which first built a $12 million, 144 room housing complex in 2018, attracting students to a safe space where they can live and flourish as Catholic students.
The housing is full, drawing both Catholic and non-Catholic students to a welcoming, positive, and transformative living community.
Meeting needs
The overarching vision of the campus transformation is to meet the spiritual and physical needs of UWP students, to build relationships, and to give positive reinforcement to live a faith-based life.
“Our students need a place to grow and thrive, to learn to be leaders for the future of the Catholic Church in the region,” Father Del Priore said.
Students come from all over Wisconsin and the Midwest, and many are specifically drawn to UWP because of the Pioneer Catholic Newman Center. “They are transformed, but so is the Platteville community, and so are the communities around Wisconsin and the region, when students start their lives as working adults,” said. Father Del Priore.
Because of the growth, the parish has outgrown its current space for sacraments, gatherings, and discipleship groups.
According to Father Del Priore, “We have a line out the door for Confession. We host events in the basement. Our campus ministers conduct Bible studies in the basement or outside.”
Launched by generous gifts from philanthropic leaders in Platteville, Madison, Dubuque, and throughout Wisconsin, the fundraising milestone is the first benchmark goal to make the project’s vision a reality.
Father Del Priore and St. Augustine staff and board members are confident that the total $12 million project will be a success.
“We have much work ahead of us to reach our total fundraising goal,” said Christina Vandagriff, development director. “But we have a compelling project with a transformative mission. We’ve received positive feedback and significant donor support, and we’re confident we will secure the remaining funds for this project by 2023.”
The new facility
The 300 seat chapel will feature a Gothic design. Additional side chapels will feature relevant saints and devotions, including an easily accessible chapel for those with disabilities.
The student center will feature a banquet and event hall, a full kitchen, several spaces for Bible studies and small group gatherings, and offices.
Groundbreaking is anticipated in 2023.
For more information on St. Augustine University Parish, go to www.pioneercatholic.org
To support the project, contact Christina Vandagriff at christina@pioneercatholic.org