MAZOMANIE — The Hispanic ministry of Divine Mercy Parish in Sauk City will be hosting a Hispanic Retreat for Lent at St. Barnabas Church, 410 Cramer St. in Mazomanie, on Saturday, April 5, and Saturday, April 12, beginning at 9:30 a.m. and concluding with a Hispanic Mass at 6:30 p.m.
Planned for the retreat are talks, time to share ideas and ask questions, music, sharing of food, and more. Childcare, complete with child activities, will be provided.
There is no cost for the retreat. Participants are asked to bring food to eat and to share with others, as sharing with all participants will be encouraged during the retreat.
Fr. Osvaldo Briones leads the Hispanic ministry at Divine Mercy Parish. He is parochial vicar of Holy Cross Parish, which includes St. Barnabas Parish in Mazomanie and St. John the Baptist Parish in Arena.
The main topic for the retreat will be the Stations of the Cross in our lives, in reference to Our Lord’s words: “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”
“We will try to help people to meditate about the Way of the Cross, and how to get all the graces that comes from there (and only from there),” Father Briones said. “The Cross is not attractive for anyone, but is the only way to redemption, to resurrection, and to the glory of Heaven. Jesus accepted it and he teaches us this Way.”
For further information, contact Maria Carrasco at 608-795-4321.