On Friday evening, Feb. 9, Matt Walsh will be speaking at St. Mary of Pine Bluff Church.
Walsh is a nationally recognized Christian writer, blogger, and speaker with a large national following. His provocative writings on political and cultural subjects are read by millions of people a month.
Through his enormous social media following, he engages with hundreds of thousands of people every day. Walsh is known through his writing and his speeches as a fierce and articulate defender of truth, moral values, and the Christian faith. Walsh lives in Maryland with his wife and two children.
Walsh looks to elaborate on a recent article he wrote. The title of Walsh’s talk will be: “Satan’s Tactic for Christian America: Don’t Awaken Their Courage!”
In the article, Walsh wrote:
“Christians in the East forfeit their lives rather than forfeit their souls, and we forfeit our souls even though we could quite easily retain both. The Church overseas has been under violent assault, yet the enemies of Christ have not won. They have diminished the Church in numbers by killing its members, but it is strong and resilient where it still stands. Our situation is exactly the reverse.
“We have submitted to the forces of darkness. We have bent our knees in homage to Satan, and the enemies of the faith haven’t even fired a shot to induce our surrender. Satan does not beat us with a stick; he dangles a carrot. He lulls us to sleep. He distracts us. He tempts us. Kill us? Why would he do that? We are no threat to him.
“A Christian in Afghanistan is a threat. He must be destroyed. It’s the only way. But a lazy, soft, equivocating Christian in the West? There is no need to persecute him. He is not worthy of it. Just give him a television and the internet and let him damn himself.
“Satan’s legions in America — to include his agents within the Church, of which there are many — have figured out the secret. Don’t put a gun to their heads and tell them to stop being Christian. Instead, just give them something else to do. Whatever you do, never make them afraid, because if you do that you may accidentally awaken their courage. And then your plan is in trouble.”
Venerable Fulton Sheen once wrote:
“It is a characteristic of any decaying civilization that the great masses of the people are unconscious of the tragedy. Humanity in a crisis is generally insensitive to the gravity of the times in which it lives. Men do not want to believe their own times are wicked, partly because it involves too much self-accusation and principally because they have no standards outside of themselves by which to measure their times.”
Matt Walsh’s amazing talk promises to awaken in all of us the need for faith-filled and courageous warriors, willing to stand against the forces of evil in our times. This powerful evening includes the following:
6 p.m. — Adoration, Solemn Vespers, Rosary, and Confession
7 p.m. — Matt Walsh talk
8 p.m. — Benediction
8:15 p.m. — Social with Matt Walsh
Offering: $10 at the door (to defray expenses).
St. Mary of Pine Bluff Church is located at 3673 CR P, Cross Plains 53528.
Fr. Rick Heilman is pastor of St. Mary Parish in Pine Bluff.