MONONA — Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM) School, 4913 Schofield St., invites everyone to S.O.A.R. — Support Our Athletic Race — on Sunday, May 24.
On-site registration and packet pickup for the run/walk is available from 1 to 2:30 p.m. The 5K race starts at 3 p.m. and the one-mile race begins at 3:05 p.m.
Awards will be announced at 4:05 p.m. The family- friendly 5K and one-mile courses run through the scenic residential streets of Monona.
The race’s mission is: “To support athletic programming at Immaculate Heart of Mary School and promote an active lifestyle for children and adults.” All race proceeds benefit the IHM athletic program.
Over 250 runners, joggers, and walkers participated in last year’s race events. All participants under the age of 13 receive a medal. All participants and volunteers will be eligible for door prizes.
The IHM Parish festival follows the race. Kids activities, food, and beverages will be available for purchase. There will be free ice cream for all after the race, compliments of Schoep’s Ice Cream.
The 5K course is USATF certified; the course number is WI12014DM. The course is accurately measured, eligible for records, and can be used to confidently compare or set a 5K PR.
The course is fast, flat, and 100 percent paved. The difference between the highest and lowest elevation is 10 meters. The course records are: female — 20:46 and male — 18:59, both set in 2014.
For more information or to register, visit
Through generous race sponsors, scholarships are available to those who are not able to afford the entry fee. For scholarship information, contact Mrs. Mary Bartsch, principal of IHM School, at 608-222-8831.