MADISON — Rachel’s Vineyard will offer a weekend retreat — Friday through Sunday, Oct. 4 through 6 — that will give those who have experienced an abortion an opportunity away from the pressures of everyday living to focus on the pain in their life and to begin healing through a supportive and emotionally safe process.
The painful symptoms of abortion can include the following: feelings of emptiness and loss; intense grief or sadness; depression; guilt or remorse; inability to forgive yourself or others; anxiety/panic attacks; anger/rage; emotional numbness; shame; lowered self-esteem; isolation; nightmares/flashbacks; preoccupation with your aborted baby; discomfort around or keen interest in babies; fear of pregnancy or pregnant women; suicidal thoughts; repeat abortions; crisis pregnancies; difficulty in relationships; fears of punishment from God; problems with drugs, alcohol, and eating disorders.
Therapy for the soul
Rachel’s Vineyard is a time to ease this suffering, renew hope, and bring healing to your heart and soul. It has been called “therapy for the soul.”
The retreat is a very specific process designed to help one experience the mercy and compassion of God. It is also an opportunity to surface and release feelings of anger, shame, guilt, and grief.
There are many exercises to help participants grieve the loss of their children and to receive and accept God’s forgiveness.
Responses from participants
The following are quotes from those who have attended a retreat:
- “I was terrified to take that first step forward and participate in Rachel’s Vineyard. It seemed safer to remain hiding in the darkness, keeping the pain locked up deep inside rather than to risk exposing my shame to another soul. Now I am grateful to have experienced God’s healing and forgiveness with other women in an atmosphere of complete acceptance and trust. Rachel’s Vineyard has been a blessing to me.”
- “I never knew my wife had suffered so much pain over an abortion she had before I met her. It was a real eye opener to attend the retreat with her and be a support in an area of her life where there was so much secret grief. Our marriage has been truly blessed.”
- “For 18 years I have been haunted with heavy guilt that no one could take away, tormented by thoughts of what my child would have been like. Through participating in Rachel’s Vineyard, I was finally able to forgive myself. I know that God has given me a peaceful mind, cleansed my heart, and washed away my guilt.”
Information about the retreat
The retreat is open to anyone whose life has been touched by the pain of abortion. Rachel’s Vineyard respects the confidentiality and privacy of each participant. Follow-up support and resources are provided.
While Rachel’s Vineyard has a strong foundation in Catholicism, people of all faiths are welcome. The retreat team consisting of a facilitator, priest, counselor, and trained support team looks forward to being a companion with you on your journey to healing.
To register or obtain more information contact Mary at 608-221-9593 or For more information, visit or