MADISON — Need a purpose? Want to impress your mom? Looking to make a difference in your community?
We know people volunteer for a variety of reasons. This fall, consider doing all that with the Pregnancy Helpline (PH).
Answer calls from home
PH is looking to increase the number of volunteers who staff its phones.
“The nice thing about answering calls on our Helpline is that you can answer all calls from home,” says Jessica Vinson, Pregnancy Helpline phone volunteer coordinator and member of St. Ann Parish in Stoughton.
“You schedule hours when you are available, anywhere from a short two-hour shift to a longer overnight shift.”
Current volunteers include young stay-at-home mothers, professional women, college students, a dedicated man, and retirees.
Enriches volunteer’s life
One of our longest serving phone volunteers and the former coordinator of the Helpline, Mary Ann Schulte from Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish in Madison, shares how volunteering has enriched her life, “As a PH telephone volunteer for 20 years, I have come in contact with many people with varied struggles. This contact has broadened my acceptance of all people no matter what their situation in life.
“I especially find pleasure in helping the new mothers find resources to help them in the care of their child, and to congratulate them. I have also made many wonderful friends among volunteers of PH and others in the pro-life movement.”
A perfect fit
Volunteer Mary Jensen shares how volunteering allows her to help, even with limited time, “As a busy professional, my free time is limited, but I still want to be able to give back to the community. Being a Pregnancy Helpline phone volunteer is a perfect fit!
“PH lets me support mothers and children by responding to voice mails and taking calls in the evening or on a weekend, scheduled on my choice of shifts. This is such important work, and I’m happy to be able to help.”
Jessica Vinson, the phone coordinator, explains how she makes it work, “I am a mother of two and work from my home. I have chosen to take time out of my week to check voice mail for Pregnancy Helpline.
“I have also discovered being on the line is not that time consuming. I can do my laundry, make beds, etc., while being on line. My youngest has learned that if my phone rings, it could be important and I just give her the sign that we came up with so I can do the call. I feel so blessed that I am doing this for our community.”
Feeling of fulfillment
Another mom, Livier Crow from St. Maria Goretti Parish in Madison, shares her story, “Being a stay-at-home mom with two toddlers makes you need some time for yourself doing something that makes you feel better.
“Dedicating 30 to 45 minutes of my week to phone calls made by moms-to-be makes my week. By the end of that time dedicated to serve God and the community, I am back to feeling full of energy to continue my job at home. I invite anyone interested in this feeling of fulfillment to join the team. It’s a pleasure!”
Consider volunteering
Consider joining us on the phones at Pregnancy Helpline. Full training is provided, and on-going monthly meetings help keep you in touch with current information and other volunteers.
Our next trainings will be held on October 12 and 19. Call our Helpline to sign up 608-222-0008, or email our director at
Alissa Hirscher is the executive director of Pregnancy Helpline of Madison.