MADISON — A group of concerned citizens in the Diocese of Madison is urging prayer and action to assure that national health care reform legislation respects the dignity of human life from conception to natural death.
“For the sake of babies, the chronically ill, the developmentally disabled, the frail elderly, and the American people if life-ending measures are included in governmental policies, we are urging people to pray for the Precious Blood of Jesus to pour over our nation and this effort,” said Deacon Jack Fernan of Madison, one of the organizers of the effort.
Pray without ceasing
He suggests that people pray wherever and whenever they can by attending Mass, praying before the tabernacle or the exposed Blessed Sacrament, and praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, the Rosary, the Stations of the Cross, and any other prayers.
“I myself am adding an extra hour of prayer every day to this cause,” said Deacon Fernan. “Prayer is the most important thing that we can do. Pray without ceasing.”
He especially encourages the home-bound, the frail elderly, the chronically ill, and the disabled to pray for ethical health care reform.
Take action
He also suggests people can give alms, fast, and teach others about pro-life issues.
He advises people to contact their congressional representatives while they’re home during the summer recess or after they return to their Washington, D.C., offices. Congress returns from the recess on Tuesday, Sept. 8.
He also urges people to be involved in the Madison Vigil for Life with a kick-off rally on September 12.
Deacon Fernan and other volunteers will be contacting parishes to ask for the name of one volunteer who can involve others in this prayer and action effort.
For more information, contact Deacon Jack Fernan at 608-222-2165 or Sue Simpson at 608-838-6619.