MADISON — Fr. Dominic Holtz, OP, will be giving a talk called “What has Aristotle to do with The Gospel? Philosophy and the Christian Faith” on Friday, Aug. 25, at Blessed Sacrament Parish, 2116 Hollister Ave. in Madison in the assembly hall.
His talks will take place at 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.
The talks will focus on the crucial role that philosophy plays in the Christian faith.
The talks will be roughly an hour, with a 30-minute question and answer session to follow.
Father Holtz is the dean of philosophy at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas-Angelicum in Rome, Italy.
He will be visiting Blessed Sacrament Parish the weekend of the August 25 to 27.
For more information, contact the parish center at 608-238-3471 or