I recently interviewed Marge Karsten, founder of the John J. Karsten Endowment Fund. Marge started this fund in memory of her son John, who attended school in the Platteville area, and had Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
The power of forgiveness
We all know that reconciliation and forgiveness lie at the heart of the Gospel. Jesus came to seek out and save what was lost, namely broken humanity, and to reconcile us to the Father and to one another.
Priests support cathedral altar
Last month, priests of the Diocese of Madison were asked to participate in the cathedral renovations of St. Bernard of Clairvaux Church on Atwood Ave. in Madison in an important way.
New parish merger
The Diocese of Madison has announced the merger of a new parish — St. Thérèse of Lisieux Parish — as of October 1.
Our merciful Father
In Baptism, we were washed of our sins and became children of the Father. And from that adoption flows our life of discipleship. This is our true identity.
Fr. Enan Zelinski is back in school
As students flooded back into town for the fall semester at UW-Madison, they were not the only ones.
Fr. Kenneth Klink dies
Fr. Kenneth John Klink died on Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024, at the age of 84, at Agrace Hospice in Fitchburg, Wisconsin.
Looking ahead to liturgies at the cathedral
As St. Bernard of Clairvaux Church undergoes extensive construction on the corner of Atwood Ave. and Corry St. in Madison, many eagerly await its completion and elevation to the cathedral of the Diocese of Madison in late 2025.
How we can be led to Jesus
A recurrent debate on Catholic social media is the question of saintly intercession.
Lay Dominicans inducted in Madison
Last month, two third-order Dominicans gave their life promises, fully joining the lay Blessed Sacrament Fraternity during a Sunday Mass held at Blessed Sacrament Church in Madison.