It was pretty clear that Mary didn’t really want to go into the Planned Parenthood abortion facility that day in June 2021. But, Mary’s sister had already dropped Mary off and sped away. What would she do now?
Dead Theologians Society prepares to celebrate 25 years
“Don’t wait until you are too old to start becoming a saint.” That’s a quote from St. Josemaria Escriva, and it is contained in the new book, Wisdom & Inspiration from the Saints in a Sentence, recently released by the Dead Theologians Society (DTS).
Presbyteral Assembly to be held on September 19 to 22 in Wisconsin Dells
WISCONSIN DELLS — Priests of the Diocese of Madison will be gathering Sunday through Wednesday, Sept. 19 to 22, at the Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells for their 41st annual Presbyteral Assembly.
40 Days for Life to start on September 22
MADISON — The latest fall campaign of 40 Days for Life in Madison — 40 days of prayer, fasting, peaceful vigil, and community outreach to end abortion — will begin on Wednesday, Sept. 22.
Annual Mass at St. Paul’s Mission Church
MINERAL POINT — On August 6, a crowd of about 50 people gathered at St. Paul’s Mission Church, an 1842 limestone structure, in Mineral Point.
St. Clare of Assisi Parish hosts first Rural Life Listening Session
MONROE — The diocesan Office of Rural Life conducted its first of 11 rural listening sessions hosted by St. Clare of Assisi parish at St. Victor Church in Monroe on August 31.
What’s new in the Office of Worship
After serving generously and effectively as the director of the Office of Worship for our diocese for 26 years, Dr. Patrick Gorman has recently retired, due to health concerns.
Annual Catholic Appeal: Your gifts in action
MADISON — The Office of Evangelization and Catechesis (OEC) exists to aid the bishop in fulfilling his mission of proclaiming and teaching the Good News of Jesus Christ with an overarching goal to have everyone in the diocese hear every day a loving and gentle invitation to meet Jesus Christ, risen from the dead in a life-changing way.
CMC helping to reunite naturalized Afghan ally with wife and son
Amid the horrifying news that continues to unfold in Afghanistan, the Immigration Legal Services Program at the Catholic Multicultural Center (CMC) in Madison has been working tirelessly to help two families in despair.
Lay Dominicans install new members
MADISON — The Madison Chapter of the Lay Dominicans celebrated the Solemnity of St. Dominic on August 8 at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Madison, with an installation ceremony of its members.