One of the principal documents of the Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium, the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, articulates the origin, identity, nature, and mission of the Catholic Church.
What is the Xavier Mission Team?
Madison, there have been high school nights, middle school hype nights, school retreats, and Confirmation retreats all hosted by the Xavier Mission Team. This begs the question, “What is the Xavier Mission Team?”
Looking back at the Second Vatican Council
Angelo Cardinal Roncalli, the Patriarch of Venice, was elected pope on October 28, 1958, after the long reign of Pius XII, taking the name John XXIII.
Annual Catholic Appeal — Your gift in action: Youth formation
MADISON — Our middle and high school students are at a critical age in which formation is key.
Celebrating the Epiphany
This Sunday, we celebrate the magnificent feast of the Epiphany, the manifestation of God in Christ to the world, as represented by the visit of the mysterious Magi from the East.
The beauty of Christmas
One of my earliest Christmas memories is waking from a nap one afternoon and walking into the living room to see the Christmas tree for the first time, decorated and lit in all of its glory.
St. John’s answers call to ‘Go Make Disciples’
JEFFERSON — The parish community of St. Francis of Assisi in Jefferson has joined every parish in our diocese in supporting and participating in the initial stages of Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison’s evangelization initiative of “Go Make Disciples”.
New stained glass window at Cross Plains parish
A new stained glass window will be going in above the reredos wall behind the altar at St. Francis Xavier Parish in Cross Plains.
Men of Christ: ‘I just saw the world change’
If you walked by the entrance of St. Cecilia Parish in Wisconsin Dells on Saturday, Nov. 13, you might have heard it.