On June 8, more than 36 volunteers from 12 pastorates throughout the Diocese of Madison came together to reignite their efforts to support families through the Walking with Moms in Need (WWMIN) program.
Mazzuchelli pilgrimage on August 4
St. Dominic Pastorate will be hosting a Mazzuchelli pilgrimage on Sunday, Aug. 4.
New parish merger — Epiphany of the Lord
The first parish merger as a result of the Diocese of Madison’s Into the Deep initiative has been decreed.
Looking over, but not crossing over
The diocese has just begun the process of merging parishes as we enter into Phase 2 of Into the Deep.
Continuing to Go Make Disciples while going Into the Deep
This month of July marks the one year anniversary of the reassignment of most of the priests and the beginning movement towards the merging of parishes. I am profoundly grateful to our priests, lay leadership, diocesan staff, and the lay faithful for embracing these profound changes.
An Independence Day reflection
For us as Americans, Independence Day — the Fourth of July — represents more than fireworks, parades, and barbecues.
Amid storms, steeple catches fire at church in Jefferson
The cross and steeple of St. John the Baptist Church in Jefferson have been removed following a fire that happened earlier in the week.
Bishop Hying ordains two men to the priesthood
Hundreds came to witness Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison ordain two men to the priesthood on the warm evening of the Feast of the Sacred Heart, Friday, June 7, at St. Maria Goretti Church in Madison.
Growing in our holiness
Trust is the pivotal spiritual stance we must embrace before the Lord if we seek to grow in holiness.
CDMF working to expand the impact of giving
The Catholic Diocese of Madison Foundation (CDMF) is always exploring ideas for expanding philanthropic support for Catholic parishes, schools, and ministries across the Diocese of Madison. We do this by creating new, specifically purposed investment funds and increasing support for funds already established at the Foundation.