MADISON — The Diocese of Madison welcomed two new priests on May 26.
Fr. Mark Foley and Fr. Simon Tipps were ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison during an Ordination Mass at St. Maria Goretti Church in Madison.
A near-capacity church full of people came out to support these two men in the next step on their vocational journey.
“Tonight, we give thanks and praise to God for Deacons Mark Foley and Simon Tipps who will be ordained priests of Jesus Christ,” said Bishop Hying during his homily.
“We all know . . . that you are good, holy men who love God and love the Blessed Mother,” Bishop Hying continued.
“You’re devoted to the Holy Spirit and you are ready to hand your lives over to the service of God and His holy Church as an alter christus, another Christ, seeking to bring the Lord to His people and His people to the Lord,” he added.
Ordination rites
Following Bishop Hying’s homily, the ordination rites were performed at the Mass.
The two men to be ordained made their priestly promises to Bishop Hying declaring their resolve to be consecrated for the Church’s ministry.
The men then lay prostrate on the floor symbolizing dying to themselves and rising to new life during the Litany of Supplication, while a litany of saints was sung.
Next, came the Laying on of Hands and Prayer of Ordination.
Bishop Hying placed his hands on their heads, conferring upon them the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Priests in attendance then took turns also laying their hands on the heads of the newly-ordained heads.
The newly ordained were then vested with a stole and chasuble.
The bishop then anointed the hands of the new priests with Sacred Chrism and their hands were wrapped in the maniturgia.
First blessings
Following Communion, Bishop Hying thanked everyone who helped with the Mass, including Fr. Jared Holzhuter, diocesan vocations director.
Also at the Mass were Fr. Luke Strand, vice rector of St. Francis de Sales Seminary in Milwaukee, and Fr. Raul Gomez-Ruiz, rector of Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Divinity in Hales Corners, Wis., where the men studied.
The Madison Diocesan Choir and Diocesan Schola, under the direction of John Sittard with Michael Mills as organist, provided music.
Toward the end of the Mass, as is the prerogative of the ordaining bishop, Father Foley and Father Tipps gave Bishop Hying their first blessings. Following that, the new priests blessed their parents.
Also in attendance at the Mass were Consecrated Virgins of the Diocese of Madison and Sisters of Mary Morning Star as well as the Knights and Ladies of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre.
The honor guard was made up of Knights of Columbus from Assemblies 1198, 1200, 1948, and 2275.
The new priests
Fr. Mark Foley is the son of Maurade and Alan Foley and he is a priest son of St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Jefferson.
His first assignment is as the parochial vicar of St. Patrick Parish in Cottage Grove, Christ the King Parish in McFarland, and Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Monona making up Pastorate 26.
Fr. Simon Tipps is the son of Karen and Steven Tipps and is a priest son of St. Cecilia Parish in Wisconsin Dells.
His first assignment is as parochial vicar of Blessed Trinity Parish in Dane and Lodi, St. John the Baptist Parish in Waunakee, and St. Mary of the Lake Parish in Westport making up Pastorate 18.