Finding beauty in the priesthood
For more on the Ordination, click here to read the Bishop’s column.
MADISON — Bishop Robert C. Morlino encouraged everyone to appreciate the “beauty” of the priesthood as he prepared to ordain Deacons Vincent Bryan Brewer, Garrett Buchanan Kau, and Stephen Christopher Petrica to the priesthood for the Diocese of Madison on May 24 at St. Maria Goretti Church.
The bishop welcomed the men as his “sons,” saying, “what a privilege and honor it is to call you my sons and I pray that I will always be a worthy father and you will be joyful, busy, and prayerful sons.”
The bishop also welcomed all those attending this Mass, saying, “what a marvelous community of disciples of Christ this is.” He said it was “a joy” to have the large number of seminarians present as servers and he thanked his brother priests for attending, and the priests and staff at St. Maria Goretti Parish for their warm hospitality.
Solemnity and tradition
The solemnity and tradition of the ordination Mass was on full display. The Madison Diocesan Choir, directed by Patrick Gorman, provided the music. The organist was Glen Schuster, and the cantor was Sarah Gillespie. The music was enhanced by instrumentalists: Mary Wilcosz, flute; Rob Rohlfing and Joe Gray, trumpets; Matthew Beecher, horn; Brian Whitty, trombone; David Spies, tuba; and Joseph Bernstein, timpani.
The entrance procession was accompanied by the choir leading the congregation in “O God, beyond all praising.” Leading the procession were the Knights of Columbus Honor Guard from Assembly 1200 in Madison, as well as the Knights and Ladies of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.
Next in the procession were Bishop Morlino and the concelebrating priests. Among the concelebrants was Abbot Marcel Rooney, retired abbot primate of the Benedictine Confederation, along with priests of the diocese and priest-guests of those being ordained.
Priests representing the seminaries of those being ordained also attended from St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver, Blessed John XXIII National Seminary in Weston, Mass., and Sacred Heart Major Senimary in Detroit.
Deacons for the Mass were Rev. Mr. Scott Jablonski and Rev. Mr. Sean Mulligan. Fr. Gregory Ihm was master of ceremonies, assisted by diocesan seminarians and cathedral servers.
Elector was Msgr. James Bartylla, vicar general. Fr. Paul Arinze, diocesan director of vocations, also concelebrated.
The reader was John Miller. Vesting priests were Msgr. Michael Burke for Father Brewer, Fr. Larry Bakke for Father Kau, and Fr. Warren Tanghe for Father Petrica.
Lorie Ballweg, Sr. Esther Mary Nickel, and Jeanette and Denise Brewer presented the Offertory gifts.
As part of the Year of Faith, Bishop Morlino has been emphasizing the “beauty” of the Mass. He explained the beauty of various parts of the ordination rite during his homily.
The ordination rite
After the homily, the bishop continued with the ordination rite. The three men declared their promise to fulfill the office of priesthood. This includes preaching, teaching the Catholic faith, presiding at the Sacrifice of the Eucharist, and sanctifying the Christian people. They then promised respect and obedience to the bishop and his successors. They lowered themselves to the ground and lay prostrate while the Litany of Supplication to the saints was prayed.
During the prayer of ordination, the bishop silently laid his hands on the heads of each new priest one-by-one. Then, the other priests in attendance laid their hands on the newly ordained priests.
The new priests were vested with their stoles and vestments. The bishop then anointed their hands Sacred Chrism. First the bishop, then the other priests, offered a sign of peace, welcoming the newly ordained as the congregation sang, “Now thank we all our God.”