BARABOO — On Saturday, Feb. 9, all men are invited to the 13th Annual Men’s Retreat hosted by St. Joseph Parish and titled, “Through the Flames”.
Fr. John Sasse will be the featured speaker. The retreat will be held at Durward’s Glen.
Activities during the day include morning Mass, small group discussion, Rosary, Confession, and Adoration.
The Saturday retreat begins at 8 a.m. and concludes by 3:30 p.m. There is an optional Friday night program beginning at 7 p.m. for those who want to extend their retreat. Overnight accommodations are available.
To register, visit or contact Becky at the St. Joseph Parish office, 608-356-5353.
The cost for Saturday only is $35 or $40 (after February 3) and includes continental breakfast and a grilled-steak lunch. Assistance is available.