MADISON — The Office of Worship of the Diocese of Madison is offering a series of workshops on implementing the new Order of Matrimony.
The workshop will discuss what has changed and what has stayed the same, appropriate wedding music, and best practices for liturgical celebrations.
The workshop is designed for pastors, deacons, liturgists, musicians, wedding coordinators, and all who play a part in the preparation of a couple for the wedding Mass.
The workshops will be held:
• Wednesday, Sept. 14, from 1 to 3 p.m. at Holy Name Heights, 702 S. High Point Rd., Madison.
• Saturday, Sept. 24, from 9 to 11 a.m. at St. Joseph Church, 300 2nd St., Baraboo.
• Thursday, Sept. 29, from 7 to 9 p.m. at Holy Name Heights, 702 S. High Point Rd., Madison.
• Saturday, Oct. 22, from 9 to 11 a.m. at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, 2222 Shopiere Rd., Beloit.
For more information or to register, contact the Office of Worship at 702 S. High Point Rd., Ste. 225, Madison 53719; 608-821-3080; or