The young adult community in the Diocese of Madison is made up of adults aged 21-39. Several parishes within the diocese have programs for young adults, in addition to diocesan-affiliated events.
Sports Leagues
Diocese of Madison young adults recently donated more than $3,000 to local charities and organizations through their participation in MadCity Catholic, LLC, sports leagues.
MadCity Catholic, LLC, was created this year by Theresa Bolog, a parishioner at St. Maria Goretti Parish in Madison, to formalize the way young adults socialize through competition.
Diocesan young adult sports leagues have existed in Madison for more than 10 years, but the LLC is a major step in formalizing processes, outreach, and donations, especially.
After collecting a modest registration fee for each competition, Bolog uses that money to reserve playing spaces and replace unusable equipment, and then the remaining amount is donated to local organizations.
The money was given to Babies & Beyond of WI, Inc., the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Maria Goretti School in Madison, and to further diocesan young adult
Bolog, who took over coordination of leagues last year, said, “The biggest value [in faith-affiliated sports leagues] is the ability to make friends as an adult. I think that having the sports leagues really helps build camaraderie [and they] introduce people to others around the Madison area with similar values.”
Expanding on the impact of evangelization of young adults, Bolog said, “It’s nice to have a sport to play while you’re [evangelizing] because then there’s a lot less pressure on the socialization aspect. You have a shared experience to talk about.”
After games, young adults meet at The Draft House in Verona, a sponsor of the league, for food, refreshments, and additional social time.
MadCity Catholic, LLC, commissions three competitions. The largest, Summer Sports League, is a 10-week, multi-sport league. This past summer, more than 160 young adults participated. Summer Sports League rotates through five sports — flag football, kickball, softball, soccer, and ultimate frisbee. After the summer ends, young adults compete indoors in a fall volleyball tournament. Then, throughout the winter and into spring, pick-up basketball begins.
Bolog hopes the sports leagues will continue to attract more young adults. Besides being a fun way to spend a Monday evening, the leagues are “a way to casually introduce people to the Church and other Catholics in the area, hopefully bring back people that have strayed away, or even introduce people [to the Church] for the first time,” she said. Going forward, “I think the pool of donations should only get bigger,” Bolog added.
For more information about MadCity Catholic, LLC, visit or talk to a pastorate young adult coordinator.
The winter basketball pick-up league is active now. To join the email list or ask questions, email Anthony Garvert at
Venite Adoremus
Another way young adults socialize is through Venite Adoremus.
Venite Adoremus is a diocesan-affiliated young adult Holy Hour that occurs on the second Friday of each month. It’s a time specifically for young adults to adore the Lord in the Eucharist, go to Confession, and visit different parishes around the diocese.
On odd numbered months, the Holy Hour takes place at the Holy Name Heights Oratory in Madison. On even months, Venite Adoremus travels to various parishes within the diocese.
Stacy Blang, the Young Adult Ministry Coordinator at Cathedral Parish, a part of Pastorate 22 in Madison, is a long-time participant of Venite Adoremus and, over the past few years, has stepped in to help organize the monthly event.
Blang emphasized the importance of rotating host parishes. She said, “The interesting thing about rotating parishes is to have young adults see the beautiful parishes around the greater Madison area.”
What makes Venite Adoremus unique for Blang is that, “It’s really a special event to have quiet time with our Lord, to have quiet time for prayer and spiritual growth, and then afterwards, to have a social with other young adults that want to bond and share life together.”
Like young adult sports leagues, Venite Adoremus has an evangelical aspect, too. Blang said, “It’s a little easier to invite someone to pray or to go out for a social than it is to go for Mass, if someone’s not accustomed to that — it can be a difficult entry point to go to Mass — but we’re putting focus on the most important thing, which is Jesus and Jesus present to us in the Eucharist.”
Venite Adoremus will be held next at the Holy Name Heights Oratory in Madison on Friday, Jan. 12, at 7 p.m. Adoration and Confessions will be available, and after the Holy Hour, young adults are invited to socialize. For more information on Venite Adoremus, or other diocesan young adult events, visit