JANESVILLE — The Rock County Council on Aging will offer a “Living Well” workshop series each Thursday at 1:30 p.m., starting May 22 and running through June 26 at the Rock County Council on Aging office, 3328 Hwy. 51 N.
“Living Well” is a six-week program for people with chronic diseases and their caregivers.
Chronic diseases are ongoing health conditions and include diabetes, arthritis, HIV/AIDS, high blood pressure, depression, heart disease, chronic pain, anxiety, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, and more.During the workshop, participants receive support from trained leaders and other workshop participants, learn practical ways to manage their pain and fatigue, learn about nutrition and exercise options, understand new treatment choices, and learn better ways to communicate about their conditions with doctors and family members.
The goal is to help people better manage their health conditions and deal with the frustration, fatigue, and pain that can accompany a chronic disease.
Past participants report increased energy, reduced stress, more self-confidence, and fewer doctors’ visits as a result of taking the “Living Well” workshop.
Pre-registration is required. For more information or to pre-register, call 608-758-8455 or register online at www.Co.Rock.WI.us/aging
A $15 fee for the class is suggested. Transportation, scholarships, and respite services may be available for those who qualify.