‘Abortion in America’
How many more years can the United States exist when we have a divided nation, a divided people. What is it that divides us?
I would suggest that it is the acceptance of abortion that divides and separates us as citizens of the United States.
Mother Theresa said on June 1, 1988, “Abortion has become the greatest destroyer of peace, because it destroys two lives, the life of the child and the conscience of the mother”.
Why do you think we have mass shootings at high schools and shopping malls? We have lost our respect for all life. Can a nation continue to exist when it continues to kill its babies in the womb?
It seems to me that the current leaders of the federal government and members of Congress are determining their own rules concerning abortion even though many of them profess to be Catholic.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states “Formal cooperation in an abortion constitutes a grave offense. The Church attaches the canonical penalty of excommunication to this crime against human life. (no. 2272)”
The Ten Commandments were established by God for all who follow and live by his commandments to live a faithful life. Thus, the fifth commandment is “You shall not kill”.
The Ten Commandments help us in how faithfully we have to live accordingly.
If we agree or condone abortion, we have in fact excommunicated ourselves from the Catholic Church and should not be presenting ourselves for receiving “Jesus” in Holy Communion.
In conclusion, let me quote from St. John Vianney, the Cure of Ars, “What saves us from the dangers of death that threatens us today more than ever before, is the man who prays, fasts, and above all does everything for the love of Love. For Love bears the name of the living God, Love is God!”
Richard F. Braun
Sacred Heart Parish
‘Christ’s timeless Church’
Dear Editor, more surveys and focus groups are not needed to tell us why Mass attendance is in sharp decline and why many Catholics no longer believe in the Real Presence.
It is clear that Vatican II, Catholic social doctrine, and the vernacular Mass created the problem when they entangled three new churches with the One Holy Catholic Church.
Accordingly, Vatican II gave us a permissive Church; Catholic social doctrine gave us a political Church, and the vernacular Mass gave us a social Church.
All the new churches directed people to each other instead of to God and his Heavenly kingdom.
Meanwhile, in Christ’s timeless Church, the Latin Mass continues to bring souls close to God, no one misses Sunday Mass, and everyone believes in the Real Presence.
George Koenig
St. Francis, Wis.