‘I do belong in the Church’
During this challenging time, I have found it difficult to reconcile my faith and what I’ve heard from some in the Church.
This has caused me distress to the point where I’ve asked myself if I belong in the Church.
As I searched, Peter’s words came to mind, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”
This has not changed in 2000 years. I do belong in the Church; so do others regardless of which candidate they support for president.
For morally grave reasons, Catholics will vote for both Republicans and Democrats. I have found comfort in seeing that even bishops across the U.S. have different views on this election.
We each need to examine things through the lens of our faith, and we must each vote our conscience.
In the end, only God knows our hearts. Our Church was not made for a political party, nor were political parties made for it. Do not be afraid to search the Church far and wide as you prepare to vote.
Know that regardless of who is in office, we all need to unite and continue the work of the Church to care for all life.
Paula Bizot
‘Each of our voices needs to be heard’
With the election coming very soon, each of us needs to consider how we will cast our ballot.
As citizens, our democracy counts on all of us to be active participants.
Each of our voices needs to be heard, and your vote is your voice for the future direction of the country.
You can vote early by mail or in person.
Choosing your candidate is a personal preference.
However, I would suggest that we need a president who represents the citizen and the immigrant, the poor and the rich.
Someone who cares about Mother Earth. We need someone who cares about our healthcare and safety, especially in the times of a pandemic.
Vote for our common humanity and think of your neighbor, as well as yourself.
Kathy Wehrle
Helping the pro-life efforts in Rock County
A special thank you is extended to the Catholic Herald for the recent article about our important pro-life work in Rock County regarding the alarming news that our abortion rate has spiked 45 percent in the last four years.
For anyone interested in helping us pass out pro-life materials or have land or a building available to host a pro-life sign, contact me at: Millie Churchill, 5919 N. Co. Rd. H, Janesville, WI 53548 or call/text me at 608-718-7711.
Millie Churchill