To the editor:
We object to the position taken in the editorial in the May 14 issue of the Catholic Herald regarding Obama and the invitation to speak at Notre Dame University. That a person who supports abortion and sees contraception as prevention to abortion should speak at a Catholic university is wholly unacceptable and in opposition to Catholic teaching.
That Obama isn’t a Catholic is irrelevant. That Obama allegedly supports some Catholic values is a matter of chance, not by his design; even a clock that is stopped is correct twice a day. The Catholic faith is not a cafeteria plan; getting nine out of 10 of the Commandments right is not the path to our salvation.
To give a “pass” to Notre Dame graduates and “allow them to enjoy their day” is a curious position. What message are we sending these people about the Catholic faith and God’s law? You must also think about the young readers here in our diocese; what message are we sending to them regarding those persons who support abortion?
You must stop supporting this president and stop giving excuses for him until he repents and recants his position regarding abortion, contraception, stem cell research, and other practices that are in opposition to God’s law. At that time he will be forgiven.
Bill and Joy Exner, St. Mary Parish, Pine Bluff