Colorado votes in favor of late-term abortion
One of the most heartbreaking results that has come out of this most recent election comes to us out of Colorado. Some faithful pro-life groups were able to put the question of banning late-term (after 22 weeks in utero) abortion on the ballot, and a majority of voters in Colorado voted in favor of late-term abortion. Let that sink in for a minute.
Do you know what late-term abortion entails? It entails the abortionist injecting the baby’s heart (through the mother’s abdomen) with a chemical that will cause cardiac arrest in the baby. Then, the mother is sent away until her baby is dead. Next, labor is induced. This labor can last for more than one day. The mother will give birth to an intentionally dead baby. There are 100,000 late-term abortions in the United States every year. Let that sink in for another minute. Father, forgive them, they know not what they do!
The reasons a mother may have a late-term abortion are varied: Coercion, abuse, lies, fear, and selfishness are some. It is always psychologically and morally devastating for the mother when all is said and done. Any mother having had an abortion needs to know that there is hope and healing through organizations like Rachel’s Vineyard (in the Diocese of Madison, go to
For those who voted (or who would vote) in favor of late-term abortion or any abortion at all, there is forgiveness and healing at the foot of the cross where Jesus Christ died a cruel, tortuous death for you to forgive your sins and the sins of the whole world.
Catholics can seek forgiveness through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
¡Viva Cristo Rey!
Gwen Finnegan
‘We join the angels in weeping’
I weep for the 49 percent of self-identified Catholics who voted November 3 to continue killing, dismembering, and selling the little body parts of 10,000 innocent babies every Saturday.
We join the angels in weeping for the priests and some bishops who have misled their flock and equated the killing of babies with economic justice and other social issues and failed in their duty of truth and clarity; their “anchor” awaits.
The feeble attempts to justify the unjustifiable by claiming that they are anti-abortion and voted for Democrats on other issues will not excuse their complicity in the heinous murders of millions of unborn babies.
Sadly, Jesus will not be welcoming when they knock on his door.
Yes, the women and men have the “right to choose” whether to carry the cross with Jesus or reject his love and guidance.
On our knees, we pray that all Catholics recognize that forgiveness requires repentance and salvation depends on such repentance for us all.
Ivars Kalnins
‘Disappointed and saddened’
Our country is obviously divided as shown by the results of this election. I am extremely disappointed and saddened that so many Catholics voted for a pro-choice candidate.
Who will defend the rights of the unborn?
I will continue to be a single-issue voter, as I feel nothing is more important than voting pro-life.
I will continue to pray for our nation and the end to all abortion.
Ann Mallow
Returning to Jesus Christ
There has been a great deal of talk about “healing the nation,” “national unity,” and “contending for the soul of America”.
Any society built upon lies, corruption, abortion, adultery, fornication, being drunk, sexual depravity, racial injustice, economic injustice, religious persecution, and propaganda will fail.
Iniquity and abominations are abounding in our society today without contrition or shame.
The devil’s kingdom is united in instituting the destruction of all human societies.
The only way to true unity, justice, and peace is through genuine repentance and forgiveness found in the power of Jesus Christ alone.
Mr. Biden, Mr. Trump, Pope Francis, the political arena, the media, our educational system, and the entertainment industry, essentially all of us need to repent and forgive not on our own power and authority but on the authority of returning to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior alone.
Amen and Alleluia.
Richard McKellar
Divine Mercy Parish, Sauk City